Use a Cat Scratching Post to Make Your Favorite Feline a Friend For Life
If you have a cat you will know what good company they can be.
A cat makes a wonderful companion.
It's the ideal pet for both adults and children.
However cats do have some annoying habits and one of them is scratching.
It's very common for cat owners to find that their cat loves to scratch.
I'm not talking about scratching you, it's more likely that your cat is scratching the furniture.
And most likely is that he is scratching the most expensive and most treasured piece of furniture in the house.
So many cat owners find claw marks all over the legs of their favourite pieces of furniture.
Why do cats scratch and how can a cat scratching post help? Scratching is a normal behaviour for a cat.
They do it for a number of reasons, but in particular to sharpen their claws.
In fact scratching is a perfectly normal part of their behaviour and it's not likely that you will be able to stop your moggy from doing it.
Much more likely is that you will be able to redirect their attention from the legs of your favourite piece of furniture to a more suitable piece of furniture, namely a cat scratching post.
The way you do that is by making it less pleasant for the cat to scratch your furniture and more pleasant for him to scratch something that can be damaged at no cost to you.
A cat scratching post is a piece of cat furniture specifically designed to be scratched so that your favourite feline can relieve his need to sharpen his claws in an appropriate place.
Scratching poles are really very simple.
They are usually covered with a simple material such as carpet so that your feline can dig his claws into it and pull away to his heart's content.
So how do you redirect his attention away from the furniture and towards his scratching pole? Cats respond to positive behaviour from their owners, so don't punish him for doing what comes naturally.
Try a more lateral approach, for example wrapping something around the legs of the furniture to make it less attractive to him whilst providing him with a good scratching post.
If he takes the hint and uses the post that's fine, if not then try rubbing some Catnip on it to attract him to the post.
Training your feline to direct his attention from one piece of furniture to another is sometimes a difficult task, however can be achieved perfectly easily with some patience and perseverance.
If you see him heading towards the legs of your favourite furniture with itchy claws then pick him up, take him to the scratching post to see if he gets the idea.
Don't ever consider de-clawing your cat.
It's a nasty process and something you should never consider.
You may however trim his claws from time to time so that he is doing less damage whilst he is being trained.
A cat makes a wonderful pet, but they do have annoying little idiosyncrasies.
Learn what they are, learn how to deal with them and your cat will be a friend for life.
Just make sure he scratches the cat scratching post rather than the furniture.
A cat makes a wonderful companion.
It's the ideal pet for both adults and children.
However cats do have some annoying habits and one of them is scratching.
It's very common for cat owners to find that their cat loves to scratch.
I'm not talking about scratching you, it's more likely that your cat is scratching the furniture.
And most likely is that he is scratching the most expensive and most treasured piece of furniture in the house.
So many cat owners find claw marks all over the legs of their favourite pieces of furniture.
Why do cats scratch and how can a cat scratching post help? Scratching is a normal behaviour for a cat.
They do it for a number of reasons, but in particular to sharpen their claws.
In fact scratching is a perfectly normal part of their behaviour and it's not likely that you will be able to stop your moggy from doing it.
Much more likely is that you will be able to redirect their attention from the legs of your favourite piece of furniture to a more suitable piece of furniture, namely a cat scratching post.
The way you do that is by making it less pleasant for the cat to scratch your furniture and more pleasant for him to scratch something that can be damaged at no cost to you.
A cat scratching post is a piece of cat furniture specifically designed to be scratched so that your favourite feline can relieve his need to sharpen his claws in an appropriate place.
Scratching poles are really very simple.
They are usually covered with a simple material such as carpet so that your feline can dig his claws into it and pull away to his heart's content.
So how do you redirect his attention away from the furniture and towards his scratching pole? Cats respond to positive behaviour from their owners, so don't punish him for doing what comes naturally.
Try a more lateral approach, for example wrapping something around the legs of the furniture to make it less attractive to him whilst providing him with a good scratching post.
If he takes the hint and uses the post that's fine, if not then try rubbing some Catnip on it to attract him to the post.
Training your feline to direct his attention from one piece of furniture to another is sometimes a difficult task, however can be achieved perfectly easily with some patience and perseverance.
If you see him heading towards the legs of your favourite furniture with itchy claws then pick him up, take him to the scratching post to see if he gets the idea.
Don't ever consider de-clawing your cat.
It's a nasty process and something you should never consider.
You may however trim his claws from time to time so that he is doing less damage whilst he is being trained.
A cat makes a wonderful pet, but they do have annoying little idiosyncrasies.
Learn what they are, learn how to deal with them and your cat will be a friend for life.
Just make sure he scratches the cat scratching post rather than the furniture.