Deadlines for 2014 W-2 and 1099-MISC Forms
It's time to prepare those 201r annual reports for employees and independent contractors, in addition to regular payroll tax payments and reports. You must give W-2s to employees and 1099-MISC forms to non-employees, and file reports with the Social Security Administration and the IRS. Some dates to keep in mind:
January 15, 2015 - Monthly payroll tax deposit is due, if you are on the monthly schedule.
End-of-January reports:
These reports are typically due January 31, but because January 31 is a Saturday in 2015, they are due Monday, February 2, 2015:
Annual wage and tax reportsmust be given to employees and independent contractors who did work for you in 2013. That's W-2s for employees and 1099-MISC forms for contact workers and outside businesses you made payments to.
While tax season doesn't begin until January 31, for personal tax returns, including Schedule C for small businesses, some people like to get an early start on tax preparation, so the sooner you can get these forms out, the better.
The monthly payment on federal unemployment (FUTA) taxes is due.
Federal Unemployment Tax Report for 2014is due.
Form 941 (Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Form) for Fourth Quarter 2014 is due.
February 15 reports and payments, due February 15, 2015:
Monthly payroll tax deposit is due, if you are on the monthly schedule.
End-of-February reports. These reports are typically due February 28, but because February 28 is a Saturday in 2015, these reports are due Monday, March 2, 2015:
Submit transmittal forms to the Social Security Administration. That's Form W-3, along with all W-2s and Form 1096, along with all 1099 forms.
January 15, 2015 - Monthly payroll tax deposit is due, if you are on the monthly schedule.
End-of-January reports:
These reports are typically due January 31, but because January 31 is a Saturday in 2015, they are due Monday, February 2, 2015:
Annual wage and tax reportsmust be given to employees and independent contractors who did work for you in 2013. That's W-2s for employees and 1099-MISC forms for contact workers and outside businesses you made payments to.
While tax season doesn't begin until January 31, for personal tax returns, including Schedule C for small businesses, some people like to get an early start on tax preparation, so the sooner you can get these forms out, the better.
The monthly payment on federal unemployment (FUTA) taxes is due.
Federal Unemployment Tax Report for 2014is due.
Form 941 (Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Form) for Fourth Quarter 2014 is due.
February 15 reports and payments, due February 15, 2015:
Monthly payroll tax deposit is due, if you are on the monthly schedule.
End-of-February reports. These reports are typically due February 28, but because February 28 is a Saturday in 2015, these reports are due Monday, March 2, 2015:
Submit transmittal forms to the Social Security Administration. That's Form W-3, along with all W-2s and Form 1096, along with all 1099 forms.
More on Preparing Form W-2 and Form 1099-MISC
More on How to File Annual Wage and Tax Reports for Employees and Contract Workers
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