This Economy is No Fairy Tale
but ...
we can sure draw some analogies.
Reflecting on the United States economy and the economic woes reported from the rest of the world's financial systems these past few weeks, we have noticed a possible correlation to the childhood fairy tale "Chicken Little.
" You probably recall from this old English folk tale that a tiny little chicken called Chicken Little felt a rose leaf fall on her tail one day and immediately ran in great fright crying "the sky is falling!" First one she told was Henny Penny who joined her in spreading the message.
On their way to tell the king, they met Ducky Lucky who joined their chorus.
Then Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey also voted for the tale.
Did we say "voted"? Well, they joined the parade of characters till they all met Foxy Loxy who lured them into his den by promising to tell them where the king lives.
The story goes that Foxy Loxy led them into his den and they never came out again.
You can draw your own conclusions about what happened to Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey, but you can be sure that the foxy one came out of that deal okay.
Now there are those who predict that our economy will never emerge from the den it's in, but that's not our area of expertise, so we won't speculate here.
Our business is running a business and we plan to keep doing just that.
We believe in persistence and hard work.
Those whose wares we represent have their hopes tied into the products we represent.
We don't' plan to let them down.
We plan to be here; to keep on working and hopefully only paying our fair share to the common good in order to remain in business.
We hope to pass along many good deals to you in the coming months.
We don't expect to ever be a Wall Street presence; we are what has come to be called a Main Street business.
We are drowning out those who are trying to spread the message that the rose that fell on Wall Street was actually a thorny stem or the whole bush.
We know based on history that some people will come out of this slumping economy smelling like a rose.
We know that some people are simply going to see and seize opportunity out of this turmoil and disruption.
Some people are not going to fare so well and are going to need assistance.
We support many organizations trying to provide that help.
In some respects poverty and unemployment are big business.
Like a friend of mine said after being unemployed for four months a few years ago, "if it weren't for unemployment, a lot of people would sure be out of work.
" Think about it.
The unemployment system here in the United States is huge.
We hope our customers don't have to file to collect, but if you do, you will encounter counselors, clerks, and a cast of helpers that include those who actually keep the records and generate the checks to say nothing of the landlords collecting rent for the space these agencies use.
If someone wasn't unemployed, those people surely would be.
Even our culture of helping those with less actually employs lots of people to distribute money, food, shelter, clothing, and other things of need.
We can't predict where the large-scale economy is going, but we do believe that it will keep going and those who don't give up on it will be a big part of its recovery.
We plan to be just as "foxy" as we can be to lure you into our den and connect you with some of the finest products from around the world.
We can assure you that you'll come out okay.
we can sure draw some analogies.
Reflecting on the United States economy and the economic woes reported from the rest of the world's financial systems these past few weeks, we have noticed a possible correlation to the childhood fairy tale "Chicken Little.
" You probably recall from this old English folk tale that a tiny little chicken called Chicken Little felt a rose leaf fall on her tail one day and immediately ran in great fright crying "the sky is falling!" First one she told was Henny Penny who joined her in spreading the message.
On their way to tell the king, they met Ducky Lucky who joined their chorus.
Then Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey also voted for the tale.
Did we say "voted"? Well, they joined the parade of characters till they all met Foxy Loxy who lured them into his den by promising to tell them where the king lives.
The story goes that Foxy Loxy led them into his den and they never came out again.
You can draw your own conclusions about what happened to Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey, but you can be sure that the foxy one came out of that deal okay.
Now there are those who predict that our economy will never emerge from the den it's in, but that's not our area of expertise, so we won't speculate here.
Our business is running a business and we plan to keep doing just that.
We believe in persistence and hard work.
Those whose wares we represent have their hopes tied into the products we represent.
We don't' plan to let them down.
We plan to be here; to keep on working and hopefully only paying our fair share to the common good in order to remain in business.
We hope to pass along many good deals to you in the coming months.
We don't expect to ever be a Wall Street presence; we are what has come to be called a Main Street business.
We are drowning out those who are trying to spread the message that the rose that fell on Wall Street was actually a thorny stem or the whole bush.
We know based on history that some people will come out of this slumping economy smelling like a rose.
We know that some people are simply going to see and seize opportunity out of this turmoil and disruption.
Some people are not going to fare so well and are going to need assistance.
We support many organizations trying to provide that help.
In some respects poverty and unemployment are big business.
Like a friend of mine said after being unemployed for four months a few years ago, "if it weren't for unemployment, a lot of people would sure be out of work.
" Think about it.
The unemployment system here in the United States is huge.
We hope our customers don't have to file to collect, but if you do, you will encounter counselors, clerks, and a cast of helpers that include those who actually keep the records and generate the checks to say nothing of the landlords collecting rent for the space these agencies use.
If someone wasn't unemployed, those people surely would be.
Even our culture of helping those with less actually employs lots of people to distribute money, food, shelter, clothing, and other things of need.
We can't predict where the large-scale economy is going, but we do believe that it will keep going and those who don't give up on it will be a big part of its recovery.
We plan to be just as "foxy" as we can be to lure you into our den and connect you with some of the finest products from around the world.
We can assure you that you'll come out okay.