Where to Find Your Family Crest
- The website AllFamilyCrests.com has a large library of family crests. Navigate to the site, and when you arrive you will need to search the listings of family crests by typing in your last name. If the site has your listing, the image of the family crest will appear. However, you may be greeted with a message stating they do not have any records of your family crest. This does not necessarily mean you do not have a family crest, but that the site just does not have it listed.
- If you were unable to locate your family crest on AllFAmilyCrests.com you may want to try out TheTreeMaker.com (see link in Resources). This site not only features a large library of crests and family coat of arms, but it also will allow you to place the image onto a wide variety of objects, such as polo shirts, cutting boards, golf balls and beer steins. This site says it has more than 1 million surnames in its database.
- If you still have drawn blanks you can try AncestorHunt.com site (see link in Resources). This site has a large list as well of family crests, but you can also simply look up the meaning of your name, as well as where it originated. To do this, type in your name into the search bar and click "Go." In a few moments, you will be informed of the meaning of your name and where it originated, if the name is in the database.
Find Your Crest
The Tree Maker
Ancestor Hunt