How Does a Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Work?
A good natural hemorrhoid treatment is not going to be an over the counter cream, ointment, or suppository.
Yes those products do give your temporary relief but they are not a cure.
To really cure your hemorrhoids you first need to know how you get them.
By knowing how you get them you can make the changes you need to cure them.
How do hemorrhoids occur? Veins in the rectum and around the anus tend to swell under pressure.
Hemorrhoids can result from to much pressure on these veins.
You may put pressure an these veins by:
This is why using an over the counter hemorrhoid relief product doesn't work.
To cure them you need to get at the root cause and that's what a natural hemorrhoid treatment does.
It shows you what changes you need to make in your life.
Sometimes its as easy as changing your diet or getting you out of the chair and getting some exercise by walking.
But that's not all, A good natural hemorrhoid cure will also show you how to use natural herbs and home remedies to get instant relief.
So you can put an end to all the pain, burning, itching, and bleeding.
Yes those products do give your temporary relief but they are not a cure.
To really cure your hemorrhoids you first need to know how you get them.
By knowing how you get them you can make the changes you need to cure them.
How do hemorrhoids occur? Veins in the rectum and around the anus tend to swell under pressure.
Hemorrhoids can result from to much pressure on these veins.
You may put pressure an these veins by:
- Constipation or hard stools causes hemorrhoids because of the added pressure from straining.
- Waiting to long to have a bowel movement
- Coughing or sneezing to often
- Drinking to much alcoholic drinks or alcoholism can also cause hemorrhoids and constipation from dehydration.
- Lifting heavy stuff at work or when exercising and holding your breath while lifting adds pressure.
- If you sit for long periods or time from driving, or at the office, or even at home.
- Diarrhea
- Eating to much processed foods that are low in fiber.
- Obesity
- Injury to the anus, for example, from anal intercourse
- some liver diseases
This is why using an over the counter hemorrhoid relief product doesn't work.
To cure them you need to get at the root cause and that's what a natural hemorrhoid treatment does.
It shows you what changes you need to make in your life.
Sometimes its as easy as changing your diet or getting you out of the chair and getting some exercise by walking.
But that's not all, A good natural hemorrhoid cure will also show you how to use natural herbs and home remedies to get instant relief.
So you can put an end to all the pain, burning, itching, and bleeding.