Dental Implants, What to Expect During a Procedure
For recreating a smile and restoring a fully functional tooth, dental implants have become a standard cosmetic dentistry procedure for a family dentist. Before you undergo your procedure or consult with your family dentist, the following is a rundown of what the dental implant procedure will entail before, during, and after the operation.
When unforeseen circumstance or chance trauma damages a tooth, it may feel like you're low on options. Is there a dependable way to rebuild your smile with regards to a strong replacement tooth? Has cosmetic dentistry even gotten to the point where such a procedure is possible? Isn't replacing a tooth root and all, too tall an order for even modern family dentists? With the newest advances in cosmetic dentistry, family dentists are now capable of something truly special. Outpatient dental implants can lead to a prosthetic tooth and returning a complete look and confidence to your smile.
A dental implant is the base procedure of a prosthetic tooth. By installing a biologically acceptable titanium rod directly into the jawbone through gently drilling the rod into existing bone material, a solid and natural anchor for the prosthetic tooth is formed. The dental implant rod osseointegrates to the live bone; that is, the bone accepts and grows around the rod. The strength is undeniable, and the procedure is relatively painless and measured. The following is a brief rundown of what to expect when undergoing a dental implant procedure in each phase.
Consult with you preferred family dentist that has cosmetic dentistry credentials and let them know your intentions. A dental implant is becoming a fairly routine procedure, but the health and integrity of your jaw must be maintained. Do not trust the procedure to a dentist that is unpracticed or inexperienced in the procedure.
Next, the dentist will seek to assess the quality of your jawbone tissue. Is it strong enough to support the implant? Where are the sinuses and nerves to avoid so that no lasting damage is incurred? The result will give the dentist more of an understanding for where the holes must drilled and what speed to drill at.
The Procedure
As stated above, titanium rods are drilled into the jawbone to create a strong based from which a prosthetic tooth can be affixed. Anesthesia is utilized to make sure that the patient feels as little discomfort as possible during the procedure, and post-op soreness is nullified with a prescription for painkillers. Depending on the cosmetic dentist, both computerized imaging and CT scanning is used to guide the drills to the jawbone or a €flap€ is cut through the gum for increased visual freedom during drilling.
There is a high survival rate for modern dental implants to be accepted by the bone, if the procedure is done with delicacy and with measure torque on the drill. The surgery itself usually will last a little over an hour, depending on how many implants are required by the patient.
There is no strict healing timetable for a dental implant. Though common consensus indicates 2-6 months until a prosthetic tooth can be applied, there are no assurances. Each case heals at its own pace. The idea here is patience, as loading a prosthetic before the implant heals could damage the bone tissue and result in osteonecrosis.
In the end, you will have a strong and capable tooth that has seamlessly blended into your smile and with all the durability and function of a real tooth. A dental implant is an astounding procedure when performed by a talented cosmetic dentist. Talk to your preferred family dentist and ask about your options for reconstructing your smile today.
If you are in the Wilmington, NC area & you are looking for a Cosmetic dentist to perform your dental implant. Call Treman & Treman Family Dental Care today. Visit their website at
When unforeseen circumstance or chance trauma damages a tooth, it may feel like you're low on options. Is there a dependable way to rebuild your smile with regards to a strong replacement tooth? Has cosmetic dentistry even gotten to the point where such a procedure is possible? Isn't replacing a tooth root and all, too tall an order for even modern family dentists? With the newest advances in cosmetic dentistry, family dentists are now capable of something truly special. Outpatient dental implants can lead to a prosthetic tooth and returning a complete look and confidence to your smile.
A dental implant is the base procedure of a prosthetic tooth. By installing a biologically acceptable titanium rod directly into the jawbone through gently drilling the rod into existing bone material, a solid and natural anchor for the prosthetic tooth is formed. The dental implant rod osseointegrates to the live bone; that is, the bone accepts and grows around the rod. The strength is undeniable, and the procedure is relatively painless and measured. The following is a brief rundown of what to expect when undergoing a dental implant procedure in each phase.
Consult with you preferred family dentist that has cosmetic dentistry credentials and let them know your intentions. A dental implant is becoming a fairly routine procedure, but the health and integrity of your jaw must be maintained. Do not trust the procedure to a dentist that is unpracticed or inexperienced in the procedure.
Next, the dentist will seek to assess the quality of your jawbone tissue. Is it strong enough to support the implant? Where are the sinuses and nerves to avoid so that no lasting damage is incurred? The result will give the dentist more of an understanding for where the holes must drilled and what speed to drill at.
The Procedure
As stated above, titanium rods are drilled into the jawbone to create a strong based from which a prosthetic tooth can be affixed. Anesthesia is utilized to make sure that the patient feels as little discomfort as possible during the procedure, and post-op soreness is nullified with a prescription for painkillers. Depending on the cosmetic dentist, both computerized imaging and CT scanning is used to guide the drills to the jawbone or a €flap€ is cut through the gum for increased visual freedom during drilling.
There is a high survival rate for modern dental implants to be accepted by the bone, if the procedure is done with delicacy and with measure torque on the drill. The surgery itself usually will last a little over an hour, depending on how many implants are required by the patient.
There is no strict healing timetable for a dental implant. Though common consensus indicates 2-6 months until a prosthetic tooth can be applied, there are no assurances. Each case heals at its own pace. The idea here is patience, as loading a prosthetic before the implant heals could damage the bone tissue and result in osteonecrosis.
In the end, you will have a strong and capable tooth that has seamlessly blended into your smile and with all the durability and function of a real tooth. A dental implant is an astounding procedure when performed by a talented cosmetic dentist. Talk to your preferred family dentist and ask about your options for reconstructing your smile today.
If you are in the Wilmington, NC area & you are looking for a Cosmetic dentist to perform your dental implant. Call Treman & Treman Family Dental Care today. Visit their website at