Survivor All- Stars Episode 3
Last week's episode ended with Saboga going to Tribal Council for the second time and voting off Rudy. It wasn't an easy choice for one tribal member who cried, and Rupert held to his alliance, but still... Rudy went home.
This episode begins with Day 6 when all the tribe members display their bug bites. Scratching produces welts which sea water only hurts more. Lex van den Berghe says if they can endure half an hour of itching, the itching will stop.
Jenna Morasca is visibly upset. She?s not eating, drinking, or swimming, and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, originally from 'Marquesas', is worried about her. Jenna worries about her mother, suffering from cancer, and wants to go home. The others try to cheer her up, but Jenna is disconsolate.
Day 7 finds the Saboga team filled with nervous energy. Rupert exults that they are acting in harmony. They are small, but mighty. Ethan goes fishing while Rupert chortles. He says he doesn?t want a competition between them, he likes being the fisherman, and thinks a competition with Ethan would only be hurtful to their tribe.
In Mogo Mogo camp, Richard goes swimming and fishing. He sports a fish under a rocky ledge and determines to get it. He grabs it and holds it while bobbing for air. When he spears it, in a flash, along comes a shark and bites him on the arm. Richard doesn?t let go, and even after the shark bites him a second time, hangs on to both shark and fish and makes it back to shore. The bite barely breaks the skin, but Richard is a hero, and rejoices in showing his tribe how he bit the shark.
It?s only a little shark, not a tropical reef shark, but Richard, according to Shii-Ann Huang is a ?fishing god,? the winner in a man versus nature battle. Richard eats up the compliments along with the grilled fish and coconuts.
Day 7 brings a large box from Home Depot, one of the show?s sponsors, to each tribe. Inside the box are tools and instructions to design and build, or remodel, the best shelter possible in 24 hours, using only four tribe members. The tribe with the best shelter will win something to be dropped from the sky.
Immediately, Tom Buchanan, and Susan Hawk of Chapera team argue about design and a tree. One wants to take it down, the other wants to build around it. Big Tom calls Sue the bossiest woman he?s ever known, and in return she says she?s with the stupidest people.
While Alicia Calaway and Rob Cesternino set out to hunt for rocks to beautify the shelter, Rob Mariano puts his experience in construction to work, but still manages time to flirt with Amber Brkich.
Saboga tribe can?t agree on a design. Rupert Boneham wants to dig a foundation for a log cabin, while Jerri Manthey wants to build up. Ethan Zohn and Jenna Lewis sit on the sidelines while Rupe and Jerri argue. Ethan doesn?t want to dig, but he?ll do anything to keep the others happy. Jerri ultimately gives in and they get to work, working until late at night when a buried tree root appears in the middle of their foundation. The others watch Rupe dig, calling him a madman.
In Mogo Mogo camp, the design discussion gets fanciful with Shii-Ann and Jenna suggesting a number of decorative accents which the men disdain. This angers the women and creates a rift between the men and women. Richard sits out and watches the others work. They talk about making sure their structure is strong enough to support Richard?s weight.
Day 8 sees host Jeff Probst arrive by boat. With him is Rapa, a licensed Panamian contractor who will examine and judge the shelters for strength and design. He begins with Mogo Mogo?s shelter, tugging and testing the beams and the flooring of the above ground structure. He gives Jeff a nod of approval. He tests Chapera shelter next, even agreeing to testing the swing they?ve suspended from tree branches. He pronounces it good.
However, when Rapa sees Saboga?s shelter, he has nothing good to say about the pit house. Even through Rupe points out features like the fresh water retrieval system, he is not impressed. He tells Jeff that it is awful and in danger of rising tides.
Jeff tells the tribes that the first place winner will get a drop of supplies, the second place winner will get a second clue, and the third place winner will get nothing. He radios the plane to make the drop. Later, Saboga sees a plane overhead and sadly watch it fly by. Rupe apologizes to his tribe and sits in the shelter by himself.
Chapera sees the plane overhead, as does, Mogo Mogo, but neither tribe can tell who will get the drop, until the plane circles the beach and drops a box in the water off Chapera?s beach. A jubilant crew pulls the box ashore and opens it to find a tarp, a latnern, mats and wine, which they open immediately to celebrate their victory. Amber and Rob M continue their flirtation, but as Rob says, only one can be the Sole Survivor.