1970s Advice Columns
- The Dear Abby advice column was popular in the 1970s. Abby responded to pleas for help regarding relationship problems, family problems and anything else readers asked of her. Abby's advice entertained and educated readers at the same time. Dear Abby was written by Pauline Phillips until her daughter took over as "Abby" in 2002. At the time of this article's publication, the column is still running.
- Ann Landers was written by Esther Pauline Friedman Lederer, who also happened to be Pauline Phillips' twin sister. Ann Landers had a no-nonsense approach to advice. She was always very direct, advising her female readers that sleeping with a man before marriage was not in her best interest since she was simply providing someone to do the laundry, cook and clean after the man. Ann did not hesitate to call someone a "weak-livered sap" when the situation called for it.
- Helen Bottel isn't one of the more well-known columnists from the 1970s era, but she did have a wide readership. Helen wrote the column, Helen Help Us! She focused her advice on concerns from parents regarding child rearing. Readers wrote in for advice dealing with behavior, discipline and parent-child relationships. Helen reinforced the idea that parents have control over their own actions and that they should set limits for their children.
- Miss Manners, which began running in 1978, is written by Judith Martin. She assists readers who seek advice regarding business and personal matters. Miss Manners began her etiquette advice column during the 1970s when social rules were getting more lax. Her writing exhibits intelligence and humor. She addresses the casualness of the workplace and advises readers on workplace attire and behavior, suggesting there is nothing wrong with dressing decently to symbolize that you are in a professional role. Miss Manners tends to steer away from sexual questions and focuses on the questions regarding manners instead. She asks people to take other people's feelings into consideration.
Dear Abby
Ann Landers
Helen Bottel
Miss Manners