Natural or Man Made Disasters Emergency Preparedness For Home
In this day and age with all the weather disasters and other man made disasters that seem to occur quite regularly, we must be prepared at home for any type of emergency. No matter where you live geographically, there is always the potential for any type of disaster, whether it man made or natural. Man made disasters can now include wildfires set by arsonists, or terrorist attacks, chemical spills, toxic chemical releases, and so on. Weather and other natural disasters can include earthquakes, flooding, wildfires set by lighting or other natural event, hurricanes, tornados, dust storms and the like.
The first step you want to take in your emergency preparations is to purchase a reliable, dependable emergency kit for yourself and your loved ones. In case we suffer a major catastrophic event, like Hurricane Katrina, or the Jplin Tornado, or the Earthquake in Japan, chances are you and your family and neighbors will be on your own for a while. For how long you will be left to fend for yourself depends on your location as well as the size and magnitutde of the disaster, hence we cannot place all our hopes in them for coming to our rescue right away. It may be hours, and in some cases maybe even a day or more before emergency personnel may be able to come to our aid. Also another good point to remember that in most such disasters, banks and utilities will be off, clean drinking water or tap water may be contaminated or off altogether, gas stations closed, phones may be down, including cell phones, no internet and such, so we must take that into account as well.
It is very important to remember to be self-reliant in case of such emergencies by storing e egency kits in the home, car, office, and or school since you never know when or where a disaster will strike, although in some cases, at least we will have fair warning, but don't always count on that, be prepared!
For the kit, of course you should have a good supply of new batteries, solar powered chargers and equipment if possible, battery or solar radio(s), flashlight(s), blankets, extra water, canned food, an emergency medical kit, a crowbar and/or hammer in case you need to help someone who is trapped beneath rubble. Another good thing to have on hand is several approved faacial masks in case of biological or chemical spills, whether man made or terrorist, and a pandemic like the swine or bird flu, if it ever materializes into that.
Other things which need to be in your emergency kits aren't that which is what you have, but what steps you need to take in case of a alert or warning. Are you aware of your local evacuations routes, local supply stores to stock up on items in case of a hurricane or other disaster that can be prepared for, like the local hardware and grocery stores. There are other steps to take, like how to communicate with loved ones, where to meet, leave messages, or how to contact each other in the event of a disaster. Remember, once a disaster strikes, it will be too late if you don't have several emergency plans for your family in place, as chaos is likely to ensue. At least if you have several plans and options in place that everyone is aware of, that is one less thing that you will have to worry about.
Last thing in closing, whether it is a <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5003314');" href="/links/?u=">man made disaster</a> or whether or not it was from the <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5003314');" href="/links/?u=">man made disasters in India</a>, you should always have on hand your handy <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5003314');" href="/links/?u=">emergency survival kits and supplies</a>.
The first step you want to take in your emergency preparations is to purchase a reliable, dependable emergency kit for yourself and your loved ones. In case we suffer a major catastrophic event, like Hurricane Katrina, or the Jplin Tornado, or the Earthquake in Japan, chances are you and your family and neighbors will be on your own for a while. For how long you will be left to fend for yourself depends on your location as well as the size and magnitutde of the disaster, hence we cannot place all our hopes in them for coming to our rescue right away. It may be hours, and in some cases maybe even a day or more before emergency personnel may be able to come to our aid. Also another good point to remember that in most such disasters, banks and utilities will be off, clean drinking water or tap water may be contaminated or off altogether, gas stations closed, phones may be down, including cell phones, no internet and such, so we must take that into account as well.
It is very important to remember to be self-reliant in case of such emergencies by storing e egency kits in the home, car, office, and or school since you never know when or where a disaster will strike, although in some cases, at least we will have fair warning, but don't always count on that, be prepared!
For the kit, of course you should have a good supply of new batteries, solar powered chargers and equipment if possible, battery or solar radio(s), flashlight(s), blankets, extra water, canned food, an emergency medical kit, a crowbar and/or hammer in case you need to help someone who is trapped beneath rubble. Another good thing to have on hand is several approved faacial masks in case of biological or chemical spills, whether man made or terrorist, and a pandemic like the swine or bird flu, if it ever materializes into that.
Other things which need to be in your emergency kits aren't that which is what you have, but what steps you need to take in case of a alert or warning. Are you aware of your local evacuations routes, local supply stores to stock up on items in case of a hurricane or other disaster that can be prepared for, like the local hardware and grocery stores. There are other steps to take, like how to communicate with loved ones, where to meet, leave messages, or how to contact each other in the event of a disaster. Remember, once a disaster strikes, it will be too late if you don't have several emergency plans for your family in place, as chaos is likely to ensue. At least if you have several plans and options in place that everyone is aware of, that is one less thing that you will have to worry about.
Last thing in closing, whether it is a <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5003314');" href="/links/?u=">man made disaster</a> or whether or not it was from the <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5003314');" href="/links/?u=">man made disasters in India</a>, you should always have on hand your handy <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5003314');" href="/links/?u=">emergency survival kits and supplies</a>.