Why is Codfish the Solution for Nutrition?
Considered as the Super Food or Super Fish, cod fish [http://the-mediterranean-diet.com/mediterranean-diet-and-cod-fish.html] is a good choice of seafood because of its nutritional value. It is one of the cleanest sources of protein, tryptophan, and selenium, all of which we will discuss later. As part of the Mediterranean diet, the codfish provides protein that the body can easily absorb. Aside from this, the codfish does not give too much carbohydrates and fat. So far, this is one of the most advised seafood to individuals who need to watch their weight and yet need protein so this is considered the best substitute for red meat. Red meat is unhealthy and is not really recommended to be part of the Mediterranean Diet even if it is rich in selenium. Codfish, on the other hand, is a type of seafood that does not pose any risk if taken even if not in moderation.
Proteins are the essential building blocks of the cell in any living organism. This is the very foundation of energy and nutrition. Its main function is to support life in several forms such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Proteins also act as transmitters and catalysts that help the nerves communicated with one another to orchestrate the different body functions to ensure health and fitness. Proteins can be categorized as essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be formed by the human body but non-essential amino acids are the opposite. Therefore there are types of proteins thatcan only be taken from external sources such as the codfish.
Proteins are important part of growth. Our hair and nails are made of a type of protein. The maintenance of our body is also based out of protein. It helps in replacing dead cells, dead hair, and making nails grow. Whenever out bodies lack carbohydrates and calories, the protein serves as a back up and is converted into calories to support the body's need for energy. Protein deficiency can lead to retarded growth, mental illnesses, loss of hair and skin color, edema, slow digestion, and poor immune system. For every 113 grams of codfish, the body gets about 52% of the daily requirement for protein.
This is a type of essential amino acids and this means that the body cannot produce it by itself. This is a nutrient that needs to be taken in its form from external sources. Its main function is to act as a building block for the synthesis of protein. It also helps in the regulation of appetite, prevent sleep disorder, and elevates the mood. Without adequate tryptophan, a person will experience anxiety, irritability, depression, impulsiveness, impatience, and several other moods related to behavior. A person will also experience lack of sleep and will definitely gain weight due to uncontrolled eating habits. For every 113 grams of codfish, a person will get 90.6% o the body's daily needs of tryptophan.
Selenium is a trace mineral that is required by the body in controlled amounts. When combined with proteins, the end result is selenoprotein. This is a very important anti-oxidant that prevents external and harmful free radicals of chemicals from harming the human body. Studies have shown that selenium helps reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. This is a chronic disease that causes debilitating pain that is common to aged people. Selenium is also said to improve the body's immune system. People with HIV or AIDS are known to have depleted levels of selenium and this makes it difficult for the body to make the immune system stronger. This entails that if the selenium requirement is not met, there is a high risk or association with poor immune system that can lead to serious complications, even death. For every 113 grams of cod fish, the body can get 52% of its required selenium content.
Proteins are the essential building blocks of the cell in any living organism. This is the very foundation of energy and nutrition. Its main function is to support life in several forms such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Proteins also act as transmitters and catalysts that help the nerves communicated with one another to orchestrate the different body functions to ensure health and fitness. Proteins can be categorized as essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be formed by the human body but non-essential amino acids are the opposite. Therefore there are types of proteins thatcan only be taken from external sources such as the codfish.
Proteins are important part of growth. Our hair and nails are made of a type of protein. The maintenance of our body is also based out of protein. It helps in replacing dead cells, dead hair, and making nails grow. Whenever out bodies lack carbohydrates and calories, the protein serves as a back up and is converted into calories to support the body's need for energy. Protein deficiency can lead to retarded growth, mental illnesses, loss of hair and skin color, edema, slow digestion, and poor immune system. For every 113 grams of codfish, the body gets about 52% of the daily requirement for protein.
This is a type of essential amino acids and this means that the body cannot produce it by itself. This is a nutrient that needs to be taken in its form from external sources. Its main function is to act as a building block for the synthesis of protein. It also helps in the regulation of appetite, prevent sleep disorder, and elevates the mood. Without adequate tryptophan, a person will experience anxiety, irritability, depression, impulsiveness, impatience, and several other moods related to behavior. A person will also experience lack of sleep and will definitely gain weight due to uncontrolled eating habits. For every 113 grams of codfish, a person will get 90.6% o the body's daily needs of tryptophan.
Selenium is a trace mineral that is required by the body in controlled amounts. When combined with proteins, the end result is selenoprotein. This is a very important anti-oxidant that prevents external and harmful free radicals of chemicals from harming the human body. Studies have shown that selenium helps reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. This is a chronic disease that causes debilitating pain that is common to aged people. Selenium is also said to improve the body's immune system. People with HIV or AIDS are known to have depleted levels of selenium and this makes it difficult for the body to make the immune system stronger. This entails that if the selenium requirement is not met, there is a high risk or association with poor immune system that can lead to serious complications, even death. For every 113 grams of cod fish, the body can get 52% of its required selenium content.