Complying With Nyc Sections 28-100 Through 28-109 Ordinance for Noise Mitigation for Construction Si
There are now new laws enacted in the State of New York requiring that all construction that is taking place in the City must provide some sort of noise abatement for construction equipment that can be heard by the receptor (the general public in the City).
This Ordinance section 28-101 through Section 28-108 and has been revised for the year 2008. The law requires that every construction site in the city be equipped with noise blocking or noise abatement material. Whether it is a soundproof fence structure or concrete barriers or a sound-mitigating curtain. No matter what type of barrier is used it must meet an STC (Sound Transmission Class) of 30 or better.
Section 28-100 Provides the general requirements for compliance of the NYC Noise Mitigation Ordinance.
Section 28-101 Required Noise Mitigation measures for General Construction.
Section 28-102 Describes various construction devices and activities (Impact equipment, Pile Drivers Jack Hammers etc)
Section 28-103 Breakdown of Authorized hours where in construction can take place
Section 28-104 Alternative Noise Mitigation Plan
Section 28-105 Utility Noise Mitigation Plan
Section 28-106 Required Noise Mitigation Plan for Utilities
Section 28-107 Perimeter Noise Barriers
Section 28-108 Temporary or portable noise barriers
You can find the complete ordinance by going to where you can procure a copy of this ordinance in its entirety.
If a Construction fence is utilized, it can be lined with the 2 LB American mass loaded vinyl from and will meet the city's requirement for a 30 STC noise barrier that blocks the line of sight to the receptor. The construction fence cannot extent in height above 15 feet and must block the line of sight from the receptor. The 2LB American mass loaded vinyl is perfect for lining the inside of such a fence structure and meets all of the State and city requirements for such a fence including providing a 32 STC for the fence structure. These barriers can be either permanent or temporary, but either way the American mass loaded vinyl can be re-used to meet the noise mitigation regulations in other areas of the City.
If a chain link fence were utilized, then the 2LB American mass loaded vinyl would be wired to the fence using baling wire or aircraft safety wire and a pair of safety wire pliers. The mass loaded vinyl or MLV for short is a very stout and dense material but it can be drilled or punctured to allow for the wire fasteners to be used. It is recommended that all holed made in the MLV be caulked with an acoustical caulk such as the OSI-175 SC sound caulk.
Now as far as the temporary or portable barriers the requirement is the Sound Seal model BBC-13-2 rolled sound blanket or the equivalent. At Soundproofing America we do carry the equivalent of the BBC-13-2 rolled sound blanket and it will meet all of the requirements for the New York State Ordinance Section 28-108 for the temporary/portable noise abatement barrier. Please contact one of the knowledgeable technicians at and ask about their heavy-duty American sound blanket roll. Lets all work together to keep New York a quieter place for all. Thanks for reading…Dr. Bob….out!!
This Ordinance section 28-101 through Section 28-108 and has been revised for the year 2008. The law requires that every construction site in the city be equipped with noise blocking or noise abatement material. Whether it is a soundproof fence structure or concrete barriers or a sound-mitigating curtain. No matter what type of barrier is used it must meet an STC (Sound Transmission Class) of 30 or better.
Section 28-100 Provides the general requirements for compliance of the NYC Noise Mitigation Ordinance.
Section 28-101 Required Noise Mitigation measures for General Construction.
Section 28-102 Describes various construction devices and activities (Impact equipment, Pile Drivers Jack Hammers etc)
Section 28-103 Breakdown of Authorized hours where in construction can take place
Section 28-104 Alternative Noise Mitigation Plan
Section 28-105 Utility Noise Mitigation Plan
Section 28-106 Required Noise Mitigation Plan for Utilities
Section 28-107 Perimeter Noise Barriers
Section 28-108 Temporary or portable noise barriers
You can find the complete ordinance by going to where you can procure a copy of this ordinance in its entirety.
If a Construction fence is utilized, it can be lined with the 2 LB American mass loaded vinyl from and will meet the city's requirement for a 30 STC noise barrier that blocks the line of sight to the receptor. The construction fence cannot extent in height above 15 feet and must block the line of sight from the receptor. The 2LB American mass loaded vinyl is perfect for lining the inside of such a fence structure and meets all of the State and city requirements for such a fence including providing a 32 STC for the fence structure. These barriers can be either permanent or temporary, but either way the American mass loaded vinyl can be re-used to meet the noise mitigation regulations in other areas of the City.
If a chain link fence were utilized, then the 2LB American mass loaded vinyl would be wired to the fence using baling wire or aircraft safety wire and a pair of safety wire pliers. The mass loaded vinyl or MLV for short is a very stout and dense material but it can be drilled or punctured to allow for the wire fasteners to be used. It is recommended that all holed made in the MLV be caulked with an acoustical caulk such as the OSI-175 SC sound caulk.
Now as far as the temporary or portable barriers the requirement is the Sound Seal model BBC-13-2 rolled sound blanket or the equivalent. At Soundproofing America we do carry the equivalent of the BBC-13-2 rolled sound blanket and it will meet all of the requirements for the New York State Ordinance Section 28-108 for the temporary/portable noise abatement barrier. Please contact one of the knowledgeable technicians at and ask about their heavy-duty American sound blanket roll. Lets all work together to keep New York a quieter place for all. Thanks for reading…Dr. Bob….out!!