Discover the Secrets of Beautiful Skin
There are secrets of beautiful skin from practically every culture around the world. Everyone has their own ideas. Even dermatologists don't always agree. One of them suggests that there are foods for beautiful skin. Eating right obviously helps, but nourishing creams provide the most benefit. Here's a look at the best anti-aging secret in the world.
The best looking faces are smooth and wrinkle free. Pigmentation is even, not blotchy. They do not look greasy and there are no signs of blemishes.
Most of us have used a variety of different cosmetics to "improve" our appearance. But, one of the real secrets of beautiful skin is to improve the skin's health. That's one of the things that the foods for beautiful skin is supposed to do, provide the nutrients necessary to support and improve the skin's health. Those nutrients include protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Diet and fitness experts often refer to them as "super-foods", because they are rich in nutrients, but relatively low in calories. Some of the "super" foods for beautiful skin include salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kelp, apples, grapes and berries. Some of the "bad" choices include food that is fried, processed, packaged or heavily salted.
As for beneficial supplements, consider one that contains amino acids, which are needed to build collagen, elastin, keratin and hyaluronic acid. All of which are necessary for firm, wrinkle-free skin. The big brand vitamin companies do not include amino acids in their supplements and they often use cheap synthetic vitamins, rather than the naturally occurring ones.
Omega3 fatty acids are also beneficial. In one study, supplementation was shown to improve the skin's firmness by 10%.
Nourishing creams contain some of the same nutrients that are present in foods for beautiful skin or they contain extracts from a specific food. Wakame kelp, for example, is considered one of the secrets of beautiful skin, particularly in Japan. It is highly nutritious and can be eaten raw or cooked. Face creams containing extracts from it have been shown to increase levels of hyaluronic acid by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme that normally breaks it down.
Avocado oil is another of the topically applied secrets of beautiful skin and eating avocados may also help. In one study, applying avocado oil on a nightly basis was shown to increase the amount of collagen present in the skin.
Most companies advertise that marine or animal collagen will help correct wrinkles, although they are not specific about exactly what purpose that serves. The skin's cells cannot use collagen and it would not bind with pro-collagens (secreted by the cells) to form fibers.
You see, collagens and other proteins are long chains of amino acids. A pro-collagen is a very short amino acid chain, which combines with other short-chained amino acids, known as peptides to form fiber. That's why amino acids are foods for beautiful skin and creams containing peptides can increase collagen production. Those are just some of the secrets of beautiful skin, but they should help.
To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible natural substances for natural healthy skin care, visit my website today.
The best looking faces are smooth and wrinkle free. Pigmentation is even, not blotchy. They do not look greasy and there are no signs of blemishes.
Most of us have used a variety of different cosmetics to "improve" our appearance. But, one of the real secrets of beautiful skin is to improve the skin's health. That's one of the things that the foods for beautiful skin is supposed to do, provide the nutrients necessary to support and improve the skin's health. Those nutrients include protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Diet and fitness experts often refer to them as "super-foods", because they are rich in nutrients, but relatively low in calories. Some of the "super" foods for beautiful skin include salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kelp, apples, grapes and berries. Some of the "bad" choices include food that is fried, processed, packaged or heavily salted.
As for beneficial supplements, consider one that contains amino acids, which are needed to build collagen, elastin, keratin and hyaluronic acid. All of which are necessary for firm, wrinkle-free skin. The big brand vitamin companies do not include amino acids in their supplements and they often use cheap synthetic vitamins, rather than the naturally occurring ones.
Omega3 fatty acids are also beneficial. In one study, supplementation was shown to improve the skin's firmness by 10%.
Nourishing creams contain some of the same nutrients that are present in foods for beautiful skin or they contain extracts from a specific food. Wakame kelp, for example, is considered one of the secrets of beautiful skin, particularly in Japan. It is highly nutritious and can be eaten raw or cooked. Face creams containing extracts from it have been shown to increase levels of hyaluronic acid by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme that normally breaks it down.
Avocado oil is another of the topically applied secrets of beautiful skin and eating avocados may also help. In one study, applying avocado oil on a nightly basis was shown to increase the amount of collagen present in the skin.
Most companies advertise that marine or animal collagen will help correct wrinkles, although they are not specific about exactly what purpose that serves. The skin's cells cannot use collagen and it would not bind with pro-collagens (secreted by the cells) to form fibers.
You see, collagens and other proteins are long chains of amino acids. A pro-collagen is a very short amino acid chain, which combines with other short-chained amino acids, known as peptides to form fiber. That's why amino acids are foods for beautiful skin and creams containing peptides can increase collagen production. Those are just some of the secrets of beautiful skin, but they should help.
To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible natural substances for natural healthy skin care, visit my website today.