DIY: Window Cleaning Solution
By making cleaning solutions by yourself, you guarantee the fresh and healthy look of your windows. It is really important to use eco-friendly cleaning solutions, because that way you protect you and your family from toxic fumes. If you have recently moved to your new home, you should book your Fantastic Cleaners Westminster  cleaning team. The cleaners are always on time and use green cleaning techniques.Â
Cornstash-Based window cleaner. You need ½ cup cornstash and 2 quarters warm water. You will also need a pail or a bucket to store the solution. Make sure you have mixed the two ingredients well enough. Let the solution sit for several minutes. Take a sponge and dip it in the solution. Apply the wet sponge to the windows. Remember to dry the windows afterwards. You can use either an old cloth or a towel. Just don't use papers. What is great about this solution, is that it can successfully applied on car windows. Moreover you can use the same cleaner in the bathroom. You can sweep the sweated bathroom mirror. It will be sparkling after the treatment. The windows will be left streak-free. The only bad thing about this solution is that it won't last forever – you should discard the cleaning solution after you've used it. Enjoy your perfectly cleaned windows.
Club soda window cleanser. This is also a very easy recipe. The only thing you need is club soda. It can be found in any store and everybody can afford it, because of its cheap price. The only other thing you need is a storage place. Most of the people prefer the spray bottle. You can easily pour the club soda in a spray bottle. Moreover, you can easily take the spray bottle anywhere in the house to clean your dirty windows. What I like the most about this cleaning method, is the fact that you can use it over and over again, because its shelf life is indefinite. Remember to wipe the windows dry when the dirt is removed.
Vinegar. Vinegar is well-known for its cleaning powers. It is used not only for cleaning windows, but for cleaning a wide range of surfaces, like floors and tiles. In order to prepare this solution, you will need 2 tablespoons of white distilled vinegar, 1 quart warm water and a spray bottle. Mix all the ingredients and then add the prepared solution to the spray bottle. Spray the windows. Use a soft cloth or a towel to dry afterwards. If the stains are stubborn, you should schedule high-quality cleaning team. However, you could try to rub the stains with alcohol. This is used mainly for removing wax from commercial glass cleaners. Again, this cleaning solution's life is indefinite and can be used whenever you need it.
I hope you like the techniques shown above. Make your windows sparkling using the tips above.