February Fasti
6 (Greece) Festival of Aphrodite VIII ID FEB
7 (Greece) Day of Selene (or day of Semele) and in Athens = Lenaea VII IDUS FEB
9 (Greece) Festival of Apollo V ID FEB
11 Nero poisoned Britannicus, Claudius' son in A.D. 55 VIII IDUS FEB
    Tiberius married Julia, daughter of Augustus, in 11 B.C.
12 (Greece) Festival of Artemis PR ID FEBRUARIAS
15-16 Lupercalia NP Dies religiosus XV KAL MART.
    44 B.C. Mark Anthony offered Caesar the crown
17 Fornacalia NP XIII KAL MART.
17 Quirinalia NP XIII KAL MART. [Stultorum feriae (Feast of Fools)]
18 Mesopotamia, Zarathustrans celebrated this day as Spenta Armaiti
13-21 Parentalia NP period for placating the dead (placandis Manibus)
21 Feralia, a public festival F IX KAL MART.
22 Cara Cognatio or Carista (Dear Kindred) C VIII KAL MART.
23 Terminalia NP VII KAL MART. (worship of the god of boundaries)
24 Regifugium N VI KAL MART. (cum Tarquinius Superbus fertur ab urbe expulsus)
Source: ScullardFestivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic
7 (Greece) Day of Selene (or day of Semele) and in Athens = Lenaea VII IDUS FEB
9 (Greece) Festival of Apollo V ID FEB
11 Nero poisoned Britannicus, Claudius' son in A.D. 55 VIII IDUS FEB
    Tiberius married Julia, daughter of Augustus, in 11 B.C.
12 (Greece) Festival of Artemis PR ID FEBRUARIAS
15-16 Lupercalia NP Dies religiosus XV KAL MART.
    44 B.C. Mark Anthony offered Caesar the crown
17 Fornacalia NP XIII KAL MART.
17 Quirinalia NP XIII KAL MART. [Stultorum feriae (Feast of Fools)]
18 Mesopotamia, Zarathustrans celebrated this day as Spenta Armaiti
13-21 Parentalia NP period for placating the dead (placandis Manibus)
21 Feralia, a public festival F IX KAL MART.
22 Cara Cognatio or Carista (Dear Kindred) C VIII KAL MART.
23 Terminalia NP VII KAL MART. (worship of the god of boundaries)
24 Regifugium N VI KAL MART. (cum Tarquinius Superbus fertur ab urbe expulsus)
Source: ScullardFestivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic