How do I Claim Metis Status?
- 1). Obtain and fill out an application form for your province of residence. For Manitoba, visit one of the seven regional offices for a copy or call the membership clerk coordinator at the head office at 204-586-8474. For Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta or British Columbia, you can download the application form from the province website.
- 2). Obtain a professionally-compiled genealogy if you are in Manitoba--ask your regional office for details. For the other provinces, compile your genealogical record. It must show how you are related to your Metis ancestors from the 1800s, either because they were recognized as such by government, church or community records, or via land or scrip grants under the Manitoba Act or Dominion Lands Act. For other members in the lineage, you can use documents like birth, baptism, marriage or death records, census records, fur trade industry records, military service records, historical accounts from reputable sources and the like. Note that Internet records are largely invalid. For Ontario, the official form for the genealogical chart is a separate download than the application form on their website.
- 3). Mail your completed application form along with copies of all supporting documents and fees to the address provided in the application form for your area of residence.