How to Cite Reference Material
- 1). Begin a new page at the end of the report. Do not change the font; type WORKS CITED at the top of the page, one inch below the top, centered left to right. The reference section of an MLA style paper is always called, "Works Cited."
- 2). Double space all citations. General MLA style dictates all text shall be double spaced in 12-point font, and the works cited page will look like the rest of the text of the essay.
- 3). Begin the first line of each reference entry at the one-inch margin from the left-hand side of the paper. Indent every subsequent line one tab space. This is referred to as a hanging indentation.
- 4). Determine the medium of publication. Every medium, such as print books, magazines or web pages need differing information. For example, print books will need publishing information as well as title and author. Web pages need to be specifically formatted, according to the type of web page and information included on the page.
- 1). Begin a new page at the end of the essay. Center the first line, one inch from the top of the paper, and write "References." Do not italicize or underline the word or add quotes around the word.
- 2). Invert the author names of all works, with alphabetizing of the list according to the last name of the author.
- 3). Use hanging indentations for references. Double space the references, using the same size font as the rest of the essay. The references page will look like the body of the essay in general letter size and spacing.
- 4). Capitalize all major words in journal titles. Capitalize only the first word in titles of books, chapters, articles or web pages.
- 5). Italicize longer works, such as books. Do not italicize, underline or place in quotations shorter pieces of works. Only long works should stand out on the APA references page.
- 1). Gather the author, title and facts regarding publication for each work used in a Chicago style paper. Label the references page "Bibliography," with the word on a separate sheet of paper, centered one inch from the top of the paper.
- 2). Invert the author of every entry. Separate last names from first names with commas.
- 3). Italicize titles of books and journals. Place titles of poems, articles, chapters and other shorter works in quotation marks.
- 4). Separate every major element within the bibliography with a period. The author's name should be followed by a period, along with the title, publication date, place and name.
MLA Style
APA Style
Chicago Style