When Do Babies Lose Baby Teeth?
- According to Dr Alan Carr, dental consultant at the Mayo Health Clinic, most children start losing baby teeth by the age of six or seven. However, this is just an average and some children will lose them from around four and others will hold onto them until around nine. Boys tend to lose baby teeth later than girls. Most children will lose all their baby teeth by about 13.
- A tooth will usually become loose before it falls out a few months later. Most milk teeth come out easily although some will hold on by a thread for weeks. Parents should not worry if a child swallows a baby tooth.
- According to the British Dental Health Foundation, the lower front teeth come out first and the upper front teeth fall out soon afterward. Children usually have a full set of permanent teeth by the age of 13. However, wisdom teeth arrive later, usually from 18 to 25 years of age.
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