SOPA - Soap Opera - What If the Bill Passes?
Congress never expected to get such a huge backlash against SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act).
Wikipedia, Twitpic, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, Indenti.
ca and LinkedIn all wrote a letter to key members of the U.
Senate and House of Representatives.
Their letters explained their disgrace of the SOPA & Protect IP Act, the loss of jobs, and creativity that these companies and thousands of others that will be effected by such a ridiculous law.
Who would've ever thought that this proposed law would reach this far? Congress knew that U.
citizens would have never kept silent while SOPA was going through the legislation process.
War on PIPA and SOPA How would the Stop Online Piracy Act work? The U.
Attorney General, Eric H.
Holder, Jr.
will be able to obtain a court order against the targeted offshore Web site that is linked to an American website.
The court order would be served on the Internet providers that would, theoretically, make the target virtually disappear.
In other words, an Internet guillotine or like some call it an Internet death penalty.
According to Internet engineer expert, Steve Crocker the bill raises "serious technical and security concerns and would break the Internet.
" The global functionally of the Internet would be effected if the legislature tries to block domains by interfering with the DNS (Domain Name Systems).
The DNS is also known as the Internet's "virtual phone book.
" DNS (Domain Name Servers) tell computers how to find each other over Internet once you type a web address in your browser, your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
DNS (Domain Name Servers) tell computers how to find each other over Internet.
When you type an address in your browser, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) checks with its domain name server (DNS) to determine where to send you.
The Supportersa of SOPA Believe it or not, over 400 businesses and organizations have sent letters to Congress supporting SOPA and/or the Protect IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act or PIPA).
Organizations such as the Recording Industry Association of America, the U.
Chamber of Commerce, and the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has been the most vocal supporters.
The entertainment industries are the only ones who really benefits from SOPA or the Protect IP Act.
The Drama In Congress During the two-day debate in the House Judiciary committee in mid-December of 2011, it became clear that the majority of the committee supported SOPA.
It is expected to be approved when Congress returns from the winter break this week, unless we make enough noise.
Even Florida's Senator Marco Rubio, backed out on of his support of the Protect IP Act due to the growing outrage at the proposed bill.
It would be great if this pressure can get hot enough to get all the Senators and House Representatives to jump out of their mansions, and openly oppose the bill.
Well, that would be in a perfect world, let see what happens.
If anyone wanted to win the new presidential campaign of 2012, all they would have to do is to oppose the new bill.
On January 18th, 13 million of us took the time to tell Congress to protect free speech rights on the Internet.
As a result, two days later, Lamar Smith, the chief sponsor of SOPA, announced that he is going to pull the bill "until there is wider agreement on a solution.
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Wikipedia, Twitpic, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, Indenti.
ca and LinkedIn all wrote a letter to key members of the U.
Senate and House of Representatives.
Their letters explained their disgrace of the SOPA & Protect IP Act, the loss of jobs, and creativity that these companies and thousands of others that will be effected by such a ridiculous law.
Who would've ever thought that this proposed law would reach this far? Congress knew that U.
citizens would have never kept silent while SOPA was going through the legislation process.
War on PIPA and SOPA How would the Stop Online Piracy Act work? The U.
Attorney General, Eric H.
Holder, Jr.
will be able to obtain a court order against the targeted offshore Web site that is linked to an American website.
The court order would be served on the Internet providers that would, theoretically, make the target virtually disappear.
In other words, an Internet guillotine or like some call it an Internet death penalty.
According to Internet engineer expert, Steve Crocker the bill raises "serious technical and security concerns and would break the Internet.
" The global functionally of the Internet would be effected if the legislature tries to block domains by interfering with the DNS (Domain Name Systems).
The DNS is also known as the Internet's "virtual phone book.
" DNS (Domain Name Servers) tell computers how to find each other over Internet once you type a web address in your browser, your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
DNS (Domain Name Servers) tell computers how to find each other over Internet.
When you type an address in your browser, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) checks with its domain name server (DNS) to determine where to send you.
The Supportersa of SOPA Believe it or not, over 400 businesses and organizations have sent letters to Congress supporting SOPA and/or the Protect IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act or PIPA).
Organizations such as the Recording Industry Association of America, the U.
Chamber of Commerce, and the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has been the most vocal supporters.
The entertainment industries are the only ones who really benefits from SOPA or the Protect IP Act.
The Drama In Congress During the two-day debate in the House Judiciary committee in mid-December of 2011, it became clear that the majority of the committee supported SOPA.
It is expected to be approved when Congress returns from the winter break this week, unless we make enough noise.
Even Florida's Senator Marco Rubio, backed out on of his support of the Protect IP Act due to the growing outrage at the proposed bill.
It would be great if this pressure can get hot enough to get all the Senators and House Representatives to jump out of their mansions, and openly oppose the bill.
Well, that would be in a perfect world, let see what happens.
If anyone wanted to win the new presidential campaign of 2012, all they would have to do is to oppose the new bill.
On January 18th, 13 million of us took the time to tell Congress to protect free speech rights on the Internet.
As a result, two days later, Lamar Smith, the chief sponsor of SOPA, announced that he is going to pull the bill "until there is wider agreement on a solution.
" Hip Hip Hooray! If you like this article then "Like Us" on Facebook and follow us on Twitter or feel free to ask any questions regarding our Affordable SEO Services.
Share your thoughts, we enjoy conversing with potential clients and Internet marketers through the Social Media Networks.
Subscribe to our RSS Feed as well.