Baby Boomer - Wanting Those Dentist White Teeth For a Fraction of the Cost?
Are you one of the 75 million Baby Boomers? Have you spent years indulging in tobacco, drinking coffee, sodas and the occasional red wine at night to unwind? I bet when you look in the mirror and smile your not to happy with what looks back at you.
You can change all that for a fraction of the cost to you.
You don't have to go to the dentist and pay the high prices for whitening your teeth.
Its important to realize what we all want to know is how to get those Whiter Teeth again.
What is offered out there to help achieve Whiter Teeth? I have done some research on this very thing.
You could go to the dentist and spend from $500 dollars and up.
You go threw a process of having your molds made.
Your molds come in and you make your first appointment and they put the Carbamide Peroxide whitening gel in your trays and then sit you under a light for 1 to 2 hours.
You will need to do this for 4 to 5 sessions.
Then they say OK your teeth are white, in most cases they are and your pocket book is a little lighter.
There will be a touch up appointment made in 6 months.
They will send you home with gel and your molds for you to use at home.
You ask yourself why I would want to spend all that money and all my time to go to the dentist for that white smile I could get for less money and in the privacy of my own home.
You could take the At Home Whitening challenge, save money, be in charge of your own time and do the whitening in the privacy of your own home.
It is possible in most cases to achieve dental office quality whitening with Teeth Whitening Gel at home.
The teeth whitening gel used with the mold-able tray system is easy and affordable.
Another key point is your getting dentist quality gels for whitening your teeth for much less.
In addition you can purchase the light source to speed up the whitening process.
It's small, portable and hands free.
Therefore you are spending less money on the same whitening gels dentist use and you're in charge of your money and time.
If your wanting that White Smile back you should consider the At Home Whitening process, be smart with your money and time.
You can change all that for a fraction of the cost to you.
You don't have to go to the dentist and pay the high prices for whitening your teeth.
Its important to realize what we all want to know is how to get those Whiter Teeth again.
What is offered out there to help achieve Whiter Teeth? I have done some research on this very thing.
You could go to the dentist and spend from $500 dollars and up.
You go threw a process of having your molds made.
Your molds come in and you make your first appointment and they put the Carbamide Peroxide whitening gel in your trays and then sit you under a light for 1 to 2 hours.
You will need to do this for 4 to 5 sessions.
Then they say OK your teeth are white, in most cases they are and your pocket book is a little lighter.
There will be a touch up appointment made in 6 months.
They will send you home with gel and your molds for you to use at home.
You ask yourself why I would want to spend all that money and all my time to go to the dentist for that white smile I could get for less money and in the privacy of my own home.
You could take the At Home Whitening challenge, save money, be in charge of your own time and do the whitening in the privacy of your own home.
It is possible in most cases to achieve dental office quality whitening with Teeth Whitening Gel at home.
The teeth whitening gel used with the mold-able tray system is easy and affordable.
Another key point is your getting dentist quality gels for whitening your teeth for much less.
In addition you can purchase the light source to speed up the whitening process.
It's small, portable and hands free.
Therefore you are spending less money on the same whitening gels dentist use and you're in charge of your money and time.
If your wanting that White Smile back you should consider the At Home Whitening process, be smart with your money and time.