Ending Your Writing Well - A Guide For Writers
When it comes to a highly cognitive and self-revealing writing practice, psychologists suggest that it is best to enjoy and limit yourself to a pithy 25 minute writing session per day and no more, at least not in this method.
So here are some ways you can wrap-up-by giving answers to the basic proprioceptive questions: a) When coming across any unanswered underlined words or phrases (such as "mother" or "having a pet" or whenever a question pops into your mind ask, "What do I mean by _____?" Give a short briefing in a few lines or words since now is not the time to give all the answers, ask yourself again in the next writing session.
This is how you will slowly be able to tap your mind and discover buried secrets.
b) Next, ask yourself "How or what do I feel now?" Again, keep a short recording of your exact feelings.
Just find the exact word or phrase related to your truest feeling.
Again, never be judgmental.
Whether it's shame or guilt or a bag of mixed emotions, just write them down! c) Here you will ask "what larger story is this article a part of?" Most probably, this is initially going to be a mixed experience of confusing thoughts racing through your mind with greater undertones of something more specific, as with childhood experiences or the loss of a loved one.
Generally, we relate to things that have affected us most emotionally, but as we go on with more writing practices, our confusions settle down and often enough we relate to a specific incident or experience.
Whatever writing stage you might be at, think it over a little, and find the larger story that your mind first settles for itself.
d) Ask yourself, "What ideas come up for future writing from this stage?" Then record them, and when you come back to writing the next time, look into those ideas for future exploration.
Put a few words or expressions you may find to give you adequate information for the future, and close your writing there.
Neatly pin-up your pages, but one point to remember here is that loose sheets are always preferred as they lead to maximum unleashing of thoughts.
Keep a file especially for this purpose, and keep your sheets in chronological order.
Do not start up a writing session looking just at the sheets.
You can look through them when searching for inspiration and ideas for creative input, not meant for other purposes.
It is only after about a month of proprioceptive practice that you should look through your file and scan it for unanswered questions, and unravel concepts for something more complete and creative, such as a plot for a short story, a monologue or even a novel! Use your personal experiences, plots and twists to mold the real characters in your life, revealed through your writing, and create a great story with a character sketch at the center.
Over time, you will experience unbounded sense of freedom and energy with a higher sense of confidence and well-being.
If you have followed the proper regimen, trust me, you will feel the difference! The most important thing when you finish your writing though is to have your work proofread and edited.
Having a professional editor look through your work will mean that no mistakes are made when you publish it.
So here are some ways you can wrap-up-by giving answers to the basic proprioceptive questions: a) When coming across any unanswered underlined words or phrases (such as "mother" or "having a pet" or whenever a question pops into your mind ask, "What do I mean by _____?" Give a short briefing in a few lines or words since now is not the time to give all the answers, ask yourself again in the next writing session.
This is how you will slowly be able to tap your mind and discover buried secrets.
b) Next, ask yourself "How or what do I feel now?" Again, keep a short recording of your exact feelings.
Just find the exact word or phrase related to your truest feeling.
Again, never be judgmental.
Whether it's shame or guilt or a bag of mixed emotions, just write them down! c) Here you will ask "what larger story is this article a part of?" Most probably, this is initially going to be a mixed experience of confusing thoughts racing through your mind with greater undertones of something more specific, as with childhood experiences or the loss of a loved one.
Generally, we relate to things that have affected us most emotionally, but as we go on with more writing practices, our confusions settle down and often enough we relate to a specific incident or experience.
Whatever writing stage you might be at, think it over a little, and find the larger story that your mind first settles for itself.
d) Ask yourself, "What ideas come up for future writing from this stage?" Then record them, and when you come back to writing the next time, look into those ideas for future exploration.
Put a few words or expressions you may find to give you adequate information for the future, and close your writing there.
Neatly pin-up your pages, but one point to remember here is that loose sheets are always preferred as they lead to maximum unleashing of thoughts.
Keep a file especially for this purpose, and keep your sheets in chronological order.
Do not start up a writing session looking just at the sheets.
You can look through them when searching for inspiration and ideas for creative input, not meant for other purposes.
It is only after about a month of proprioceptive practice that you should look through your file and scan it for unanswered questions, and unravel concepts for something more complete and creative, such as a plot for a short story, a monologue or even a novel! Use your personal experiences, plots and twists to mold the real characters in your life, revealed through your writing, and create a great story with a character sketch at the center.
Over time, you will experience unbounded sense of freedom and energy with a higher sense of confidence and well-being.
If you have followed the proper regimen, trust me, you will feel the difference! The most important thing when you finish your writing though is to have your work proofread and edited.
Having a professional editor look through your work will mean that no mistakes are made when you publish it.