US Border Patrol Stations in Florida
- There are six US Border Patrol stations in Florida.Florida state contour with Capital City against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from
The United States Customs and Border Patrol has six Florida stations located in and administered by the Miami Sector. These stations are responsible for the entire state of Florida, parts of southern states just north of Florida as well as U.S. waters off the eastern, western and southern coasts. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol activities began early in the Sunshine State due to its proximity to Cuba and the many Caribbean islands. - Opened in 1925 at a different address, the Jacksonville Station is responsible for 18 northeast Florida counties and two southeast Georgia counties. According to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol website, the Jacksonville Station covers a 13,269 square mile area that includes 13 highways, Florida's largest seaport and part of the Intracoastal Waterway.
Jacksonville Station
489 Dundas Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32218
904-714-0225 - Opened in 2003 as an individual station, the Marathon Station was once a sub-station of the Pembroke Pines Border Patrol Station. The Marathon Station covers 997 square miles of Florida's southern-most county. Monroe County includes all 800 islands of the Florida Keys, including the 40 that are inhabited.
Marathon Station
3770 Overseas Highway
Fat Deer Key
Marathon, FL 33050
305-289-0942 - Reopened permanently in 1971, the Orlando Station had been in existence intermittently from 1955 to 1962. The Orlando Station is responsible for a heavily populated 5,611 square mile area. Their territory includes five Florida counties, 125 miles of the Atlantic coast, two major airports and a high volume seaport.
Orlando Station
2348 Trade Port Drive
Orlando, FL 32824
407-967-4000 - Opened in 1988, the Pembroke Pines Station replaced the former Miami Station. The coverage area for this station encompasses the four southern-most Florida counties, including heavily populated Dade and Broward counties. The area also includes 635 miles of coastline that are home to two high-volume deep water seaports. According the 2007 U.S. Customs and Border Patrol statistics, the covered Port of Miami and Port Everglades each receive over 3 million cruise ship passengers per year.
Pembroke Pines Station
7201 South Airport Road
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
954-965-6300 - Located on the west coast of Florida, the Tampa Station was opened in 1925. The Tampa Station serves as the administration wing of the Miami Sector, which includes responsibilities in Florida and parts of Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The non-administrative branch of the station covers 12 central and west Florida counties to include northern-most marshes and the Florida Gulf Coast.
Tampa Station
3811 Corporex Park Drive
Tampa, FL 33619
813-623-5101 - The West Palm Beach Station has been opened since 1927. Originally manned by one officer, the Palm Beach Station grew during World War II and continues to grow to meet today's needs. This station is responsible for eight Florida counties and 119 miles of coastline that includes the Atlantic Ocean and inlets from the Intracoastal Waterway. This station also monitors the activities between Florida and the Bahamas, which sits a mere 60 miles from Florida's shores.
West Palm Beach Station
7201 South Airport Road
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
Jacksonville Station
Marathon Station
Orlando Station
Pembroke Pines Station
Tampa Station
West Palm Beach Station