Affordable Chicken Coops That Keep Your Chickens Happy!
Affordable chicken coops are a big help in getting you started on raising chickens and eggs.
As you develop your plan, though, don't forget that the chicken's needs have to be met as well, or you will not be getting as many eggs! Fortunately, there are several ways to keep the costs down and still keep the chickens happy.
Let's take a look! Quality Used Material You probably know people who are tearing down perfectly useful wooden structures and don't know what to do with the lumber.
You can help them out by offering to take some of the excess off their hands.
Before you use this old lumber, make sure any nails or other trash is removed.
You may want to treat the wood with a sealer to make sure it will be water resistant.
Build Only What You Need Many people who get started on a building project get excited about making something really big.
If you are only raising 4-6 chickens, you don't need a coop that will house 30 chickens.
Fit the size to the need, and you will keep your material and labor costs in line.
Make Sure Your Design is Chicken Friendly Chickens love a dry coop that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
That means your insulation needs to work for both types of weather.
Using ramps will help the chickens reach their nesting box easily.
Make sure there is some room for the chickens to run around, maybe a fenced in chicken run next to the coop.
Use Your Own Labor The two big costs of building something is materials and labor.
If you get used materials, great! For labor, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
If you need a few extra hands, see if you can bribe a buddy with some food and drink in exchange for helping out.
It's worth a shot.
Even so, most affordable chicken coop plans only take a day or two to assemble.
That covers the major items, make sure you have a good construction plan to keep you on track, and an affordable chicken coop will be yours in no time!
As you develop your plan, though, don't forget that the chicken's needs have to be met as well, or you will not be getting as many eggs! Fortunately, there are several ways to keep the costs down and still keep the chickens happy.
Let's take a look! Quality Used Material You probably know people who are tearing down perfectly useful wooden structures and don't know what to do with the lumber.
You can help them out by offering to take some of the excess off their hands.
Before you use this old lumber, make sure any nails or other trash is removed.
You may want to treat the wood with a sealer to make sure it will be water resistant.
Build Only What You Need Many people who get started on a building project get excited about making something really big.
If you are only raising 4-6 chickens, you don't need a coop that will house 30 chickens.
Fit the size to the need, and you will keep your material and labor costs in line.
Make Sure Your Design is Chicken Friendly Chickens love a dry coop that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
That means your insulation needs to work for both types of weather.
Using ramps will help the chickens reach their nesting box easily.
Make sure there is some room for the chickens to run around, maybe a fenced in chicken run next to the coop.
Use Your Own Labor The two big costs of building something is materials and labor.
If you get used materials, great! For labor, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
If you need a few extra hands, see if you can bribe a buddy with some food and drink in exchange for helping out.
It's worth a shot.
Even so, most affordable chicken coop plans only take a day or two to assemble.
That covers the major items, make sure you have a good construction plan to keep you on track, and an affordable chicken coop will be yours in no time!