Tips For Helping a Cat Adjust to a New Home
As you may already know, cats are very territorial and often find moving home traumatic, confusing and frightening.
Therefore, if you are welcoming a new cat into your home, or you are moving house with an already established pet, there are a few things that you can do to help your cat adjust to its new environment.
It's Natural for a Cat to Hide When first introduced to a new home, it is perfectly normal for a cat to find a small corner of the house to hide in.
You can try to tempt the cat with a tasty treat, a favorite toy and some words of encouragement, but you should never force the cat to relinquish its hiding place.
Often, if left alone, a cat will soon become curious and want to explore the rest of the house.
However, in the meantime, there are a number of things you may like to do to try and make your kitty more comfortable.
Usually, it is advisable to keep a cat indoors for at least two weeks when introduced to a new home.
However, if your cat is finding it hard to adjust, you may wish to keep him, or her, in for a little longer.
When you do feel that your cat is ready to explore the great outdoors, here are just a few of the things that you should bear in mind.
Therefore, if you are welcoming a new cat into your home, or you are moving house with an already established pet, there are a few things that you can do to help your cat adjust to its new environment.
It's Natural for a Cat to Hide When first introduced to a new home, it is perfectly normal for a cat to find a small corner of the house to hide in.
You can try to tempt the cat with a tasty treat, a favorite toy and some words of encouragement, but you should never force the cat to relinquish its hiding place.
Often, if left alone, a cat will soon become curious and want to explore the rest of the house.
However, in the meantime, there are a number of things you may like to do to try and make your kitty more comfortable.
- Maintain a routine that the cat is familiar with.
If you are moving home with you cat, ensure that you feed him, or her, at the same time and with the same food.
On the other hand, if you are welcoming a new cat to your home, it may be a good idea to ask the previous owner, breeder or shelter, when and what he, or she, is accustomed to eating. - It may be helpful to spread your cat's scent around its new environment.
To do this, simply take a clean towel or cloth and rub the sides of the cat's face.
Then, rub the towel or cloth along the doorframes at approximately the height of your cat's nose. - Some cat owners advocate the use of pheromone sprays.
These can be helpful, but are not necessary. - If possible, spend plenty of time with your cat.
Play with him, or her, and offer lots of affection and reassurance.
Try to be patient and remember to speak in a calm, soft voice.
This should help your cat adjust quickly and feel confident in his, or her, new environment.
Usually, it is advisable to keep a cat indoors for at least two weeks when introduced to a new home.
However, if your cat is finding it hard to adjust, you may wish to keep him, or her, in for a little longer.
When you do feel that your cat is ready to explore the great outdoors, here are just a few of the things that you should bear in mind.
- Don't force your cat to go outside.
Leave the backdoor open and allow the cat to explore in its own time.
Never pick the cat up and take it outside, as this may cause great fear. - The first time your cat ventures into the yard, it is a good idea to keep an eye on him, or her.
- If other cats are coming into your yard or garden, then it is advisable to chase these visitors off.
Bear in mind, your cat is trying to establish this new environment as his, or her, own, other cats may prevent your kitty from feeling safe. - It is recommended that you leave a door or window open, so that your cat has easy access back into the house.
- In addition, is it advisable to feed your cat before you let him, or her, outside.
If your cat is hungry, it may wander off in search of food and become lost.