How to Recycle Old Towels
- 1). Reuse your old towels as towels. Cut bath towels into dish towels, keeping the scraps for stuffing if you sew. Cut dish towels into hand towels and any towels make great cleaning and dusting rags. When your rags gets too worn to be useful, put them out in the garage to be used with greasy messes and tossed out after.
- 2). Cut the frayed edges off two towels and make the softest comfiest pillowcases. These are great in the summer's heat and the coldest winter nights as well. Cut towels into small enough pieces to make baby bibs for everyday use. Make a kitchen apron. Make turbans or shower caps (get a free pattern online; see Resources) for after-shower or body wraps. Stuff old towels and make a dog or cat bed that you can throw in the washer.
- 3). Cut small squares and fill with old spices to place in drawers--be sure to smell them and pick one you want to smell on your things, such as cinnamon, vanilla bean, and citrus flavors. Cut two long skinny rectangles and fill the tube with rice and use it as a wonderful heat pack to use around your neck. Make it as big as you like. You can also make other shapes and sizes for hot packs. Heat them no more than 2 minutes in the microwave.
- 4). Sew two mitt shapes together to fit your hand for the tub. Add a third layer for soap slivers and you have a soap mitt (free pattern online; see Resources). Use them as soaker pads for diapers. Go to to learn how to make you own diapers. Sew several old towels together and stitch up and down and across them to make a thick and thirsty bath mat. Use towels as batting for quilted projects such as tree skirts. Cut them or rip them into long strips and braid them into a rug.
- 5). Donate old towels to animal shelters or homeless shelters for men and women. Save them for the local church's car wash, give them to the zoo, a children's home or orphanage. Anywhere that takes care of people or animals could use old towels.
- 6). Cut the towels into rags. Wet them with water and a little cleaner of your choice. Put them in a zipper bag to take when you go out with kids or on a picnic. Keep a stash of damp rags in another bag with cleaner on them to use in the house. They work better than those pop up cloths that cost a fortune. Wrap old towels around a broom for an instant dust mop.
- 7). Make a mop pad that's reusable. Or, use old towels as a free pretreated dust rag. Polish silver with them or simply use them for cleaning.