Great Things About Compost Bins
- The next time you clear the dinner table, take a good look at your plate and see how much is left on it. While you scrape scraps into the into the garbage can or shove them down the disposal, consider that a better place for all those scraps is in your compost bin, where it can be converted to fertilizer for the garden.
- Food and yard waste you dump into the compost bin is poundage you won't pay your local waste collections department to haul away. The bin helps organic materials decompose, breaking it down into a rich fertilizer.
- In addition to the food scraps, you can add small amounts of cardboard, yard waste, paper, dryer lint and other biodegradable materials to the mix. These naturally decomposing materials break down more slowly when packed into landfills with nonbiodegradable.
- Compost is good for the soil. It creates feeds micro-organisms, bacteria and fungi, which create nutrient-rich materials that help soil hold moisiture. It also cleanses contaminated soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
Save Money
Other waste
Environmental Benefits