What is the EPA?
The EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency, is a United States federal government agency created for the purpose of protecting human health and environment. The EPA’s primary role involves the “writing and enforcing of regulations based on laws passed by Congress” (EPA). However, the agency also spends much of its time and budget studying environmental issues and publishing its findings for the benefit of the public.
How the EPA Relates to You, Your Child and This Site
EPA studies play an important role in protecting our environment, but the EPA also protects the public by uncovering significant threats to health and safety found in the everyday environments in which families live and work.
Since these environmental hazards pose a greater threat to young children, the EPA has done extensive work in children’s health, becoming a trusted and authoritative source on the subject. As such, the EPA will often be cited here, as we discuss health and safety issues related to the indoor air quality of your home, nursery, or kid’s room and the safety of products found in your child’s environment.
For more information about the EPA, please visit the agency’s website.
Also Known As: Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA