Understanding the ways of how a Burglar operates.
Burglars also known as thieves. There a lot of different burglars, there is the professional, the semi-professional, the amateur and many others. According to us as residents of the home, we know them as just burglars or thieves. The professional burglars usually want the valuable assets and the amateurs just want anything they can get their hands on. Residential burglars are mostly the male teenagers who live in your neighbourhood. They are opportunists who look for easy targets. Should they find that the risk of entry is not safe for them, they will back away and not attempt to enter your premises. Take precaution of unfamiliar young faces scouting around your place for no apparent reason. Or even install a CCTV just outside your home for security reasons. Burglar alarm systems are available at very reasonable prices on the internet. At Autogate they install burglar alarm systems at very affordable prices and come with a product warranty. Our in house technicians will also teach you on how to operate the system should the need be necessary. We have branches in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Centurion and Midrand.
Africa Crime Signals
In some neighbourhoods, cold drink cans are left on the pavement to indicate the level of force involved in breaking in or stealing from you.
These items are strategically left on your pavement to look like general public litter and are always placed so that a passer-by won't kick it out of the way.
In the East Rand most burglaries occur between 2am and 4am in the morning and 90% are through the roof. They lift the roof tiles, cut the plastic cover and kick the ceiling panel out and gain access. This takes about 30-40 seconds. Please take time to read through and make yourselves aware of this modus operandi of criminals.
New organized crime battle indicators...
Three different colours are used to indicate target difficulty i.e.:
* red - be prepared to use armed force or will encounter resistance;
* White - easy target;
* Green - go ahead - all clear (nobody home!!!).
* Blue - somebody on premises will provide assistance;
These indicators are placed on the pavement outside your property in different forms. In certain cases, red rope has been used or white stones. It could also be a plastic bag tied to the branch of a shrub, a tree or grass. It could be grass knotted in a bundle. They have previously also used pieces of metal or plastic which have been stuck into the ground. Please check outside of your properties on a regular basis and remove any identification marks that you find.
Would-be criminals follow people home from shopping centres (particularly the ladies). Ladies are advised not to wear expensive jewellery or flash large sums of money around at shopping centres. We are advised that people have been followed home from shopping centres, have entered boomed areas and have been robbed at their premises within the closed off areas.
Please be aware of what and who is around you at shopping centres. And who may be following you home.
Tips to protect you against armed attacks
These questions will assist you to combat crime around your home, plot and farm!
1. Do you and the rest of the family leave home on the same time each day?
a) Mr. x @ 6:20, Monday to Saturday - bad habit
b) Mrs. X@ 6:55 Monday to Friday - bad habit
c) Family @8:50 Sunday Church - change some Sundays to the late morning/evening service
d) Mr. Junior @±8:00 random to collage & love roster - good habit
e) Change your routine each week - be early some days!
2. Who stay behind?
a) Can the servants be bribed?
b) How do you protect them against this? Don't open the door to strangers! c) Don't answer the intercom!
3. Do you arrive home at the same time each day?
a) Change your routine weekly per day
b) Don't buy bread and milk at the same place every day
c) Change your after hour's routine regularly, missing a card evening, prayer group meeting, once in a while. Substitute it maybe with another group the next night, or invite them to your house!
4. Do you know your Nabors?
a) A regular chat across the fence / cup of tea creates a risk for the intruder - he think help is close by. Make sure the domestics see this!
5. Do you sell from your premise?
The perception is:
i. There must be money at your premises and intruders will try to trick you by pretending to be a "good buyer"
6. Do your Nabors know your premises?
a) This will inhibit the intruders hidden escape routes
b) Invite the Nabors to inspect your garden and premises once in a while - make sure the domestics are aware of this routine
7. Do you inspect your perimeter, garage, storerooms, etc. daily for marks, signs, broken windows, funny markings or even empty bottles?
a) This will discourage the ordinary intruder as more sophisticated methods of property marking must be deployed plus obtaining keys for the premises from your domestics!
8. Do you make sure that you see your dogs on arrival?
a) This will discourage the juvenile intruder and prompt the professional intruder to calm and manipulate the dogs without you detecting it! Make sure anyway!
9. Do you always carry a gun?
a) Opportunity for the professional intruder to easily obtain a fire arm
b) What type of weapons do you have? Hand guns are popular targets!
10. When your workers ask to borrow money, do you readily take it out of the safe?
a) Pretend that you do not have money in the house and will only have money for him/her the next day or so. This creates the perception that you don't carry cash at home
b) The best procedure is not to loan money to your workers under any circumstances
c) Pay their salaries into a bank account at the arranged intervals and that is it. d) No cash transactions at any time. If you do borrow them money, then at least transfer it into their bank account
Alarman can assist you!
Tips to protect you against Hijacking
Hijacking is "Robbery with aggravating circumstances"
Hijacking (carjacking, truckjacking) is the violent form of motor vehicle theft. It is a serious threat to our personal safety because the thief uses force and fear to rob our car from us. Sometimes the car owner or other occupants are kidnapped during a Hijacking, and if lucky will be dropped off nearby unharmed.
The worst case scenario occurs when you are transported to a secondary crime scene, which is usually more dangerous than the original confrontation (my own son Philip was held at gunpoint for a few hours at a remote site). Those not so lucky victims have suffered other crimes like rape, aggravated assault, and even homicide.
Since the mid-1980s, Hijacking has captured the attention of the media with reports of these sudden and violent attacks. Hijackers have unknowingly driven off with infants still in the backseat of the car, leaving behind a screaming and emotionally distressed parent. Other drivers have been violently pulled out of their seats and left for dead lying on the road, terrified by what just occurred.
The crime of Hijacking can be traumatic to our everyday lives because it creates fear in the common act of driving a car. Victims of Hijacking have reported being unable to drive a car again while others required months of therapy. Others have become so hypersensitive, that embarrassing and dangerous situations have arisen in response to their fear when someone unwittingly approached their car on foot.
How Hijacking Got Started
Hijacking has always been around, especially in large metropolitan cities, we just rarely read about it as news wasn't that freely available those days. The crime of Hijacking "took off" in t
Burglars also known as thieves. There a lot of different burglars, there is the professional, the semi-professional, the amateur and many others. According to us as residents of the home, we know them as just burglars or thieves. The professional burglars usually want the valuable assets and the amateurs just want anything they can get their hands on. Residential burglars are mostly the male teenagers who live in your neighbourhood. They are opportunists who look for easy targets. Should they find that the risk of entry is not safe for them, they will back away and not attempt to enter your premises. Take precaution of unfamiliar young faces scouting around your place for no apparent reason. Or even install a CCTV just outside your home for security reasons. Burglar alarm systems are available at very reasonable prices on the internet. At Autogate they install burglar alarm systems at very affordable prices and come with a product warranty. Our in house technicians will also teach you on how to operate the system should the need be necessary. We have branches in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Centurion and Midrand.
Africa Crime Signals
In some neighbourhoods, cold drink cans are left on the pavement to indicate the level of force involved in breaking in or stealing from you.
These items are strategically left on your pavement to look like general public litter and are always placed so that a passer-by won't kick it out of the way.
In the East Rand most burglaries occur between 2am and 4am in the morning and 90% are through the roof. They lift the roof tiles, cut the plastic cover and kick the ceiling panel out and gain access. This takes about 30-40 seconds. Please take time to read through and make yourselves aware of this modus operandi of criminals.
New organized crime battle indicators...
Three different colours are used to indicate target difficulty i.e.:
* red - be prepared to use armed force or will encounter resistance;
* White - easy target;
* Green - go ahead - all clear (nobody home!!!).
* Blue - somebody on premises will provide assistance;
These indicators are placed on the pavement outside your property in different forms. In certain cases, red rope has been used or white stones. It could also be a plastic bag tied to the branch of a shrub, a tree or grass. It could be grass knotted in a bundle. They have previously also used pieces of metal or plastic which have been stuck into the ground. Please check outside of your properties on a regular basis and remove any identification marks that you find.
Would-be criminals follow people home from shopping centres (particularly the ladies). Ladies are advised not to wear expensive jewellery or flash large sums of money around at shopping centres. We are advised that people have been followed home from shopping centres, have entered boomed areas and have been robbed at their premises within the closed off areas.
Please be aware of what and who is around you at shopping centres. And who may be following you home.
Tips to protect you against armed attacks
These questions will assist you to combat crime around your home, plot and farm!
1. Do you and the rest of the family leave home on the same time each day?
a) Mr. x @ 6:20, Monday to Saturday - bad habit
b) Mrs. X@ 6:55 Monday to Friday - bad habit
c) Family @8:50 Sunday Church - change some Sundays to the late morning/evening service
d) Mr. Junior @±8:00 random to collage & love roster - good habit
e) Change your routine each week - be early some days!
2. Who stay behind?
a) Can the servants be bribed?
b) How do you protect them against this? Don't open the door to strangers! c) Don't answer the intercom!
3. Do you arrive home at the same time each day?
a) Change your routine weekly per day
b) Don't buy bread and milk at the same place every day
c) Change your after hour's routine regularly, missing a card evening, prayer group meeting, once in a while. Substitute it maybe with another group the next night, or invite them to your house!
4. Do you know your Nabors?
a) A regular chat across the fence / cup of tea creates a risk for the intruder - he think help is close by. Make sure the domestics see this!
5. Do you sell from your premise?
The perception is:
i. There must be money at your premises and intruders will try to trick you by pretending to be a "good buyer"
6. Do your Nabors know your premises?
a) This will inhibit the intruders hidden escape routes
b) Invite the Nabors to inspect your garden and premises once in a while - make sure the domestics are aware of this routine
7. Do you inspect your perimeter, garage, storerooms, etc. daily for marks, signs, broken windows, funny markings or even empty bottles?
a) This will discourage the ordinary intruder as more sophisticated methods of property marking must be deployed plus obtaining keys for the premises from your domestics!
8. Do you make sure that you see your dogs on arrival?
a) This will discourage the juvenile intruder and prompt the professional intruder to calm and manipulate the dogs without you detecting it! Make sure anyway!
9. Do you always carry a gun?
a) Opportunity for the professional intruder to easily obtain a fire arm
b) What type of weapons do you have? Hand guns are popular targets!
10. When your workers ask to borrow money, do you readily take it out of the safe?
a) Pretend that you do not have money in the house and will only have money for him/her the next day or so. This creates the perception that you don't carry cash at home
b) The best procedure is not to loan money to your workers under any circumstances
c) Pay their salaries into a bank account at the arranged intervals and that is it. d) No cash transactions at any time. If you do borrow them money, then at least transfer it into their bank account
Alarman can assist you!
Tips to protect you against Hijacking
Hijacking is "Robbery with aggravating circumstances"
Hijacking (carjacking, truckjacking) is the violent form of motor vehicle theft. It is a serious threat to our personal safety because the thief uses force and fear to rob our car from us. Sometimes the car owner or other occupants are kidnapped during a Hijacking, and if lucky will be dropped off nearby unharmed.
The worst case scenario occurs when you are transported to a secondary crime scene, which is usually more dangerous than the original confrontation (my own son Philip was held at gunpoint for a few hours at a remote site). Those not so lucky victims have suffered other crimes like rape, aggravated assault, and even homicide.
Since the mid-1980s, Hijacking has captured the attention of the media with reports of these sudden and violent attacks. Hijackers have unknowingly driven off with infants still in the backseat of the car, leaving behind a screaming and emotionally distressed parent. Other drivers have been violently pulled out of their seats and left for dead lying on the road, terrified by what just occurred.
The crime of Hijacking can be traumatic to our everyday lives because it creates fear in the common act of driving a car. Victims of Hijacking have reported being unable to drive a car again while others required months of therapy. Others have become so hypersensitive, that embarrassing and dangerous situations have arisen in response to their fear when someone unwittingly approached their car on foot.
How Hijacking Got Started
Hijacking has always been around, especially in large metropolitan cities, we just rarely read about it as news wasn't that freely available those days. The crime of Hijacking "took off" in t