Penny Stock Prophet
Hello and welcome, thanks for taking your time to read this informative article that I have written for you. This article is going to review about Penny Stock Prophet. Penny Stock Prophet is a strategy for investing and this will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make in your life. Before i start let me explain you about Equity Investment first.
An equity investment generally refers to the buying and holding of shares of stock on a stock market by individuals and firms in anticipation of income from dividends and capital gains, as the value of the stock rises. Typically equity holders receive voting rights, meaning that they can vote on candidates for the board of directors (shown on a proxy statement received by the investor) as well as certain major transactions, and residual rights, meaning that they share the company's profits, as well as recover some of the company's assets in the event that it folds, although they generally have the lowest priority in recovering their investment. It may also refer to the acquisition of equity (ownership) participation in a private (unlisted) company or a startup company. When the investment is in infant companies, it is referred to as venture capital investing and is generally regarded as a higher risk than investment in listed going-concern situations.
The equities held by private individuals are often held as mutual funds or as other forms of collective investment scheme, many of which have quoted prices that are listed in financial newspapers or magazines; the mutual funds are typically managed by prominent fund management firms, such as Schroders, Fidelity Investments or The Vanguard Group. Such holdings allow individual investors to obtain the diversification of the fund(s) and to obtain the skill of the professional fund managers in charge of the fund(s). An alternative, which is usually employed by large private investors and pension funds, is to hold shares directly; in the institutional environment many clients who own portfolios have what are called segregated funds, as opposed to or in addition to the pooled mutual fund alternatives.
A calculation can be made to assess whether an equity is over or underpriced, compared with a long-term government bond. This is called the Yield Gap or Yield Ratio. It is the ratio of the dividend yield of an equity and that of the long-term bond.
Don't Believe It's Possible to turn $1,000 into
$1 Million with Penny Stocks Prophet?
This is the most common rebuttal I hear from my skeptics. Most people don't believe it's possible to make SERIOUS money with Penny Stocks. These people are absolutely nuts! On the chart above I showed you the results I achieved in...
...just a 30 day time period. All with Penny Stocks Prophet
Over those 30 days, each of the 10 stocks returned an average of 45%, and most of them did so in less than 48 hours!
For all of you skeptics out there, I put together a chart to see how many trades it would take, starting with only $1,000 to reach 1 MILLION in pure profit, following my system of identifying winning penny stocks. Rather than taking an average of 45% like I accomplished in a 30 day period, let's start with a MUCH lower and more conservative figure.
But Aren't We In the Middle of A Recession?
Isn't This the Worst Time to Be Investing in Penny Stocks Prophet?
Excellent question and the answer might surprise you. It's been my experience that a recession is the absolute BEST time to invest in penny stocks. Some of my biggest gainers in the last year or so have come during a time when the big indexes were following a downward trend.
Three of my picks that gained over 200% did so in September of 2008, the same month the Dow plummeted to 7,449.38, it's lowest point in more than 5 years.
I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth! A recession in the "big" stock indexes is a positive factor in the Penny Stock Market due to the simple fact that when the big indexes aren't doing well, many investors take a break from large cap stocks to focus on the micro cap sector (more commonly known as Penny Stocks Prophet).
Large cap stocks have a difficult time correcting from a negative trend in the overall market condition, while micro-cap stocks (penny stocks) are much more independent of overall market conditions. This brings the "big guns" with fat wallets into the microcap market, which means more liquidity in the micro cap sector.
More liquidity = bigger gains for Penny Stock traders. So stop being negative about a struggling economy! A struggling economy is going to mean big gains for Penny Stock Prophet traders. I personally believe that the current economic conditions are going to show us bigger gains with penny stocks prophet than we've ever seen before! There couldn't be a better time to invest in penny stocks prophet than right now!
I'm So Sure Penny Stock Prophet Strategy Will work for you.
Here is the Official Website []
An equity investment generally refers to the buying and holding of shares of stock on a stock market by individuals and firms in anticipation of income from dividends and capital gains, as the value of the stock rises. Typically equity holders receive voting rights, meaning that they can vote on candidates for the board of directors (shown on a proxy statement received by the investor) as well as certain major transactions, and residual rights, meaning that they share the company's profits, as well as recover some of the company's assets in the event that it folds, although they generally have the lowest priority in recovering their investment. It may also refer to the acquisition of equity (ownership) participation in a private (unlisted) company or a startup company. When the investment is in infant companies, it is referred to as venture capital investing and is generally regarded as a higher risk than investment in listed going-concern situations.
The equities held by private individuals are often held as mutual funds or as other forms of collective investment scheme, many of which have quoted prices that are listed in financial newspapers or magazines; the mutual funds are typically managed by prominent fund management firms, such as Schroders, Fidelity Investments or The Vanguard Group. Such holdings allow individual investors to obtain the diversification of the fund(s) and to obtain the skill of the professional fund managers in charge of the fund(s). An alternative, which is usually employed by large private investors and pension funds, is to hold shares directly; in the institutional environment many clients who own portfolios have what are called segregated funds, as opposed to or in addition to the pooled mutual fund alternatives.
A calculation can be made to assess whether an equity is over or underpriced, compared with a long-term government bond. This is called the Yield Gap or Yield Ratio. It is the ratio of the dividend yield of an equity and that of the long-term bond.
Don't Believe It's Possible to turn $1,000 into
$1 Million with Penny Stocks Prophet?
This is the most common rebuttal I hear from my skeptics. Most people don't believe it's possible to make SERIOUS money with Penny Stocks. These people are absolutely nuts! On the chart above I showed you the results I achieved in...
...just a 30 day time period. All with Penny Stocks Prophet
Over those 30 days, each of the 10 stocks returned an average of 45%, and most of them did so in less than 48 hours!
For all of you skeptics out there, I put together a chart to see how many trades it would take, starting with only $1,000 to reach 1 MILLION in pure profit, following my system of identifying winning penny stocks. Rather than taking an average of 45% like I accomplished in a 30 day period, let's start with a MUCH lower and more conservative figure.
But Aren't We In the Middle of A Recession?
Isn't This the Worst Time to Be Investing in Penny Stocks Prophet?
Excellent question and the answer might surprise you. It's been my experience that a recession is the absolute BEST time to invest in penny stocks. Some of my biggest gainers in the last year or so have come during a time when the big indexes were following a downward trend.
Three of my picks that gained over 200% did so in September of 2008, the same month the Dow plummeted to 7,449.38, it's lowest point in more than 5 years.
I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth! A recession in the "big" stock indexes is a positive factor in the Penny Stock Market due to the simple fact that when the big indexes aren't doing well, many investors take a break from large cap stocks to focus on the micro cap sector (more commonly known as Penny Stocks Prophet).
Large cap stocks have a difficult time correcting from a negative trend in the overall market condition, while micro-cap stocks (penny stocks) are much more independent of overall market conditions. This brings the "big guns" with fat wallets into the microcap market, which means more liquidity in the micro cap sector.
More liquidity = bigger gains for Penny Stock traders. So stop being negative about a struggling economy! A struggling economy is going to mean big gains for Penny Stock Prophet traders. I personally believe that the current economic conditions are going to show us bigger gains with penny stocks prophet than we've ever seen before! There couldn't be a better time to invest in penny stocks prophet than right now!
I'm So Sure Penny Stock Prophet Strategy Will work for you.
Here is the Official Website []