Arthritis - Which One?
Arthritis, which one, you may or may not be aware that there are two kinds.
Some people just refer to it as, I have arthriits.
But Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis differ only where they actually cause damage.
The result is much the same, pain and suffering.
Osteoarthritis, is the most common, when it occurs it will damage the cartilage in the joints.
The cartilage will break down and cause pain and stiffness.
Rheumatoid arthritis, will cause stiffness and pain, it attacks the lining of joints.
in severe cases it will be evident by the swelling and redness of the affected area.
Which ever one it is, a correct selection of nutrient supplements and a proper diet will go along way to help alleviate the pain.
It is easier said then done, that depends how much you are willing to forfeit some of your life style, or continue as is and suffer the consequences.
Be aware that in each individual case many things can make arthritis worse, actual cause is not known presently.
A half a life time of accumulated wrongs as in other diseases that affect humanity could be considered.
Allergies to certain foods, poor stomach acid content, poor digestion, night shade vegetables, sugar, coffee, are some well published items that are said to enhance arthritis.
A little investigative effort could set you on the right road to be better in control of arthritis, if you are afflicted by it.
Beside bad side effects of drugs, there are reliable supplements available.
They may not cure, but neither do drugs.
Many folks attest to supplement effectiveness they take with out any unpleasant discomfort.
For arthritis sufferers, and for just general well being, if nothing more than controlling any stomach gas acidity, bloating , indigestion, I will pass on this tip.
Tip: and it is free, likely you have never heard of it.
Keep a jar on hand of SOUR KRAUT.
A fork full now and then, or just whenever you need to settle that complaining stomach will bring relief in ten minutes.
Well, maybe longer for some, or not at all for others.
Every one is different, but it is worth a try.
There are people in this world that love the stuff, I do.
Also pickled red beets, no salt, just vinegar, I make my own.
Did you know that vinegar is very beneficial to your digestive system.
Get a book about vinegar, therein you will the many uses of vinegar you can use daily.
When is the last time you had a serving of beets.
You would be surprised how zesty and good tasting they are, plus the beneficial nutrients you find in pickled beets.
The vinegar does something with the saliva in your mouth.
Maybe that at age eighty five, I only have four teeth missing, Hitler took them in World War II.
No one is going to force you to do all that stuff.
As they say take or leave it.
Some people just refer to it as, I have arthriits.
But Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis differ only where they actually cause damage.
The result is much the same, pain and suffering.
Osteoarthritis, is the most common, when it occurs it will damage the cartilage in the joints.
The cartilage will break down and cause pain and stiffness.
Rheumatoid arthritis, will cause stiffness and pain, it attacks the lining of joints.
in severe cases it will be evident by the swelling and redness of the affected area.
Which ever one it is, a correct selection of nutrient supplements and a proper diet will go along way to help alleviate the pain.
It is easier said then done, that depends how much you are willing to forfeit some of your life style, or continue as is and suffer the consequences.
Be aware that in each individual case many things can make arthritis worse, actual cause is not known presently.
A half a life time of accumulated wrongs as in other diseases that affect humanity could be considered.
Allergies to certain foods, poor stomach acid content, poor digestion, night shade vegetables, sugar, coffee, are some well published items that are said to enhance arthritis.
A little investigative effort could set you on the right road to be better in control of arthritis, if you are afflicted by it.
Beside bad side effects of drugs, there are reliable supplements available.
They may not cure, but neither do drugs.
Many folks attest to supplement effectiveness they take with out any unpleasant discomfort.
For arthritis sufferers, and for just general well being, if nothing more than controlling any stomach gas acidity, bloating , indigestion, I will pass on this tip.
Tip: and it is free, likely you have never heard of it.
Keep a jar on hand of SOUR KRAUT.
A fork full now and then, or just whenever you need to settle that complaining stomach will bring relief in ten minutes.
Well, maybe longer for some, or not at all for others.
Every one is different, but it is worth a try.
There are people in this world that love the stuff, I do.
Also pickled red beets, no salt, just vinegar, I make my own.
Did you know that vinegar is very beneficial to your digestive system.
Get a book about vinegar, therein you will the many uses of vinegar you can use daily.
When is the last time you had a serving of beets.
You would be surprised how zesty and good tasting they are, plus the beneficial nutrients you find in pickled beets.
The vinegar does something with the saliva in your mouth.
Maybe that at age eighty five, I only have four teeth missing, Hitler took them in World War II.
No one is going to force you to do all that stuff.
As they say take or leave it.