Carpal Tunnel and the Alternatives to Release Surgery
Carpal Tunnel is a syndrome that affects a specific nerve in the body called the median nerve.
The median nerve is located inside the wrist on the same side as your thumb.
The median nerve allows movement and feelings to flow to the hand.
When a victim of carpal tunnel syndrome is struggling with the syndrome, they may experience, numbing, tingling, weak feeling and damage to certain nerves in the hand.
These feelings can cause the tingling, numbness, or muscle damage to the tips of the fingers, the whole finger, only certain fingers or the entire hand.
The spot where the median nerve enters the hand is known as the carpal tunnel.
This tunnel in your hand is typically very small and thin.
This carpal tunnel which is typically very small can swell when overused and this is what causes the problems.
The nerve does not have enough room to get through the tunnel and then issues arise.
While typing may be one of the main causes, other causes may be excessive writing, driving, sewing, sports or playing musical instruments.
Medical issues that may or may not be associated with the syndrome may include: arthritis, small bone fractures, alcoholism, diabetes, obesity or various infections.
One way to relieve the pain is carpal tunnel release surgery.
This is a procedure that is set out to relieve a lot of the pressure on the nerve associated with this ailment.
During this procedure, the ligament that is attached at the top of carpal tunnel is cut to reduce the pressure on the median nerve.
If there are any other problems, such as cysts or tumors, they will also be taken out during the surgery.
This surgery is extremely effective if it is absolutely needed.
If you have minor or temporary issues, surgery is not recommended.
However, if your symptoms are simply intolerable, you may want to consider surgery.
You may either choose to have open-carpal tunnel release surgery is includes a larger incision into your wrist, or you could undergo minimally invasive surgery in which only a small incision is made into your wrist (this type of surgery is recommended).
Carpal tunnel syndrome is something that will only get more prevalent with the way society is relying more and more on computers and typing.
It is just a part of life now to sit and type for hours on end.
The problem is that this is not something our bodies are capable of.
Luckily research has brought us to many solutions.
The median nerve is located inside the wrist on the same side as your thumb.
The median nerve allows movement and feelings to flow to the hand.
When a victim of carpal tunnel syndrome is struggling with the syndrome, they may experience, numbing, tingling, weak feeling and damage to certain nerves in the hand.
These feelings can cause the tingling, numbness, or muscle damage to the tips of the fingers, the whole finger, only certain fingers or the entire hand.
The spot where the median nerve enters the hand is known as the carpal tunnel.
This tunnel in your hand is typically very small and thin.
This carpal tunnel which is typically very small can swell when overused and this is what causes the problems.
The nerve does not have enough room to get through the tunnel and then issues arise.
While typing may be one of the main causes, other causes may be excessive writing, driving, sewing, sports or playing musical instruments.
Medical issues that may or may not be associated with the syndrome may include: arthritis, small bone fractures, alcoholism, diabetes, obesity or various infections.
One way to relieve the pain is carpal tunnel release surgery.
This is a procedure that is set out to relieve a lot of the pressure on the nerve associated with this ailment.
During this procedure, the ligament that is attached at the top of carpal tunnel is cut to reduce the pressure on the median nerve.
If there are any other problems, such as cysts or tumors, they will also be taken out during the surgery.
This surgery is extremely effective if it is absolutely needed.
If you have minor or temporary issues, surgery is not recommended.
However, if your symptoms are simply intolerable, you may want to consider surgery.
You may either choose to have open-carpal tunnel release surgery is includes a larger incision into your wrist, or you could undergo minimally invasive surgery in which only a small incision is made into your wrist (this type of surgery is recommended).
Carpal tunnel syndrome is something that will only get more prevalent with the way society is relying more and more on computers and typing.
It is just a part of life now to sit and type for hours on end.
The problem is that this is not something our bodies are capable of.
Luckily research has brought us to many solutions.