If You Notice That You Getting Acne
If you notice that you getting acne on this theme fight over your facet's very likely as a result of a dirty phone or dirty pillowcase cell be sure to wipe down your phone regularly you know what I do I use antibacterial wipes to clean my phone but these days most mobile phones also come with the wired hands free set which really helps you to keep your phone clean and that means you're not spreading bacteria around so it's good all around and don't forget to sanitize or change pillow cases s often as you can sanitize your makeup brushes ladies listen to me if you don't clean your brushes your just to be playing Dirt dead skin bacteria on your face every single time you where you make up and you know what's going to happen next you going to break out if there's one makeup brush that absolutely must clean daily if you can be your concealed brush for your foundation brush.
because you know what you don't want after you covered up a blemish to transfer that very back to your funny blemishes onto your brush and then reapply that bacteria on your face the following day there are a lot of brush sanitizing solutions in the market and most of them are easy to use personally I use Mac is a Mac brush cleanser that I simply pour it into a spray bottle like this one which allows it to be easy for me to maneuver and helps me avoid unnecessary wastage the product so I have more control in don't use too much of it at a time quick score on the bristles of the brush in a gentle rub against the paper towels or tissue and the brush dries in seconds look at that an alternative inexpensive and very effective solution would be to use antibacterial detergent pumping a simples Don combined with them olive oil you know what this is what I do like pour a little bit of olive oil onto a plate like that and I just scored in a little bit about detergent into that mixture and I just try and is all the dirt and the crime that's on the makeup brush me take me a few seconds to do that but were you doing is you're getting rid of all the bacteria in all the dirt that's accumulated for the day this is my foundation brush once you're done simply been this brush and you're good to go what's great about the olive oil is that it leaves the bristles of the brush really soft and it doesn't drive them out the other thing that you want to do is once Aktive AM this brush has been rinsed you want to hang in perhaps the glass or something upside down to Aktive AM drive the reason why
because you know what you don't want after you covered up a blemish to transfer that very back to your funny blemishes onto your brush and then reapply that bacteria on your face the following day there are a lot of brush sanitizing solutions in the market and most of them are easy to use personally I use Mac is a Mac brush cleanser that I simply pour it into a spray bottle like this one which allows it to be easy for me to maneuver and helps me avoid unnecessary wastage the product so I have more control in don't use too much of it at a time quick score on the bristles of the brush in a gentle rub against the paper towels or tissue and the brush dries in seconds look at that an alternative inexpensive and very effective solution would be to use antibacterial detergent pumping a simples Don combined with them olive oil you know what this is what I do like pour a little bit of olive oil onto a plate like that and I just scored in a little bit about detergent into that mixture and I just try and is all the dirt and the crime that's on the makeup brush me take me a few seconds to do that but were you doing is you're getting rid of all the bacteria in all the dirt that's accumulated for the day this is my foundation brush once you're done simply been this brush and you're good to go what's great about the olive oil is that it leaves the bristles of the brush really soft and it doesn't drive them out the other thing that you want to do is once Aktive AM this brush has been rinsed you want to hang in perhaps the glass or something upside down to Aktive AM drive the reason why