Information About the Process of Patent Application
- Inventors of new machines or processes should file for utility patents. Inventors of new designs for manufactured articles qualify for design patents. People who discover or create new varieties of plants can protect their invention with a plant patent.
- Most patents can be filed electronically through EFS-Web. Patent applications require a description of the invention, drawings of the invention and the inventor's oath and signature. Inventors must also include payment for several fees, including a basic fee, a search fee, an examination fee and an issue fee. These fees vary according to the type of patent and number of requested patents.
- Only inventors, legal representatives of an inventor's estate, or guardians of mentally disordered inventors can apply for patents. Financial investors cannot be included on a patent.
- Patent protection does not begin until the patent is granted, but many inventors label products with "Patent Pending" or "Patent Applied For" during the application process. After the patent is granted, all products must be labeled "Patent" and include the patent number.
Application Process
Patent Markings