Adult Corrections & Transitional Programs in Maine
- Maine has several state-operated correctional facilities.prison wire image by robert mobley from
Maine has several correctional and transitional facilities for criminal offenders. The correctional facilities were originally designed to house men only but, over time, have expanded to include female inmates, as well. All of the facilities have educational, occupational and counseling programs geared toward the future reintegration of prisoners into society. - In the central Maine community of Charleston, the mid-sized Charleston Correctional Facility has been in operation since 1980. Nearly 150 inmates are housed at the co-correctional facility in four dormitories. The custody level of facility inmates is minimum/community, with prisoners who have less than 3 years remaining on their sentences making up the prison population. The staff of the facility includes operations, support and program staff, many of whom also work at the neighboring Mountain View Youth Development Center. The goal of the facility is to facilitate reintegration into society through work experience. Vocational training, academic training and counseling is provided for inmates in order to prepare them for real-world employment and community participation.
Charleston Correctional Facility
1202 Dover Road
Charleston, ME 04422
207-285-0800 - Maine has a medium/minimum security facility located in Machiasport. The Downeast Correctional Facility was established in 1985 and currently houses nearly 150 inmates. Prisoners are all evaluated by caseworkers to determine the most appropriate course of treatment while incarcerated. Programs for therapy and rehabilitation are tailored to inmates' individual needs and progress is evaluated at regular intervals. Specific programs include an educational program that provides inmates with an opportunity to earn a high school diploma or a G.E.D. and a vocational program to train inmates for manufacturing positions. There is a community restitution program through which inmates maintain state and local facilities, and a treatment program providing counseling to those in need.
Downeast Correctional Facility
64 Base Road
Machiasport, ME 04655
207-255-1100 - The Maine Correctional Center (MCC), located in Windham, Maine is a large correctional facility housing over 400 men and over 100 women. The facility is a medium/minimum security prison and has been in existence since 1919. MCC works with inmates to provide education and rehabilitation in order to facilitate their re-entry into society. Reduction in recidivism is a key goal of the facility and programs are geared toward that end. Public service programs are used to educate prisoners on the damage done to society by their crimes, to encourage them to accept responsibility for their actions, and to provide opportunities for restitution.
Maine Correctional Center
17 Mallison Falls Road
Windham, ME 04062
207-893-7000 - Women who have served time in the Maine Correctional Center may be sent to the Women's Reentry Center in Bangor as a transitional measure after having been incarcerated for at least 120 days and having one year of imprisonment remaining. The programs at the center focus on reducing recidivism and enabling women to successfully reintegrate into society. The center attempts to ensure that women leaving the facility are employed and have developed stronger and more positive relationships with their families. Women are counseled to eliminate drug and alcohol dependence and encouraged to make healthy choice for themselves.
Women's Reentry Center
106 Hogan Road
Bangor, ME 04401
Charleston Correctional Facility
Downeast Correctional Facility
Maine Correctional Center
Women's Reentry Center