Activities With Dalmatians
- Make an easy dalmatian hat using construction paper. Cut a white strip of construction paper and measure it around each child’s head. Tape or staple the paper together. Have the children cut two ears out of the white construction paper to tape to the strip. Use black markers or crayons to draw spots on the white paper. When the children put it on their head, the two ears should hang down over their ears. Another idea is to give each child a white hat. Cut ears out of white felt and glue them to the inside of the hat so the ears hang over the child’s ears. The children can cut spots out of black felt to glue on the hat.
- Create a scavenger hunt by hiding several black spots made from construction paper or felt all over the play area. The children must find as many spots as they can. The child who finds the most spots wins the game. Alternatively, hide small toy dalmatians instead of spots for the children to hunt. You can also draw a red dot on a few of the spots and the children who find those spots also win a small prize.
- Children can make play dough dalmatians. Give each child a tub of white play dough to shape the dog. After they mold a dog shape, they can take black play dough to create the spots on it. For added decoration, give the children another color to make a collar for the dog. You can also use self-hardening clay instead of play dough. After the clay dries overnight, the children will have a dalmatian keepsake to keep for themselves or give away as a gift.
- Draw a picture of a dalmatian on a large poster board. Glue the poster to the bottom of a cardboard box and cut out all the spots. Children can try to toss black beanbags into the spots on the dog. The child who makes the most beanbags in the holes wins the game. For another game, place dog food and water bowls on the ground. Have the children try to toss dog-shaped beanbags into the bowls to earn points. The player who earns the most points wins the game.
Play Dough
Tossing Games