$4.00 Per Gallon Gasoline and $100 Per Barrel This Summer?
In case you have not noticed all the tension in the Middle East is casing our Gasoline Prices to Skyrocket and you have probably thought to yourself here comes $4.
00 and then $5.
00 per gallon gasoline prices.
Well actually it could get worse than that even.
How so you ask? Well consider the Showdown in Iran and what that will do to oil prices.
As we watch the Hezbollah and Israel war taking place on Lebanon soil, we know all too well that Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah are both funded by Iran.
We also know that Syria is highly involved as well.
Each escalation brings us closer to an Iran-Syria versus the Western World crisis.
And folks this is before we have Hurricane one to consider, as we have been promised that the 2006 Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Season will be a tough one indeed.
Currently we see oil barrel prices hitting new all-time highs and the Commodity Traders in action pushing it to and soon over $80.
00 per barrel.
A major Hurricane Strike like last year along the Gulf Coast will indeed take the price from an $85.
00 to $90.
00 plus and really at that point $100.
00 per barrel is real possible.
So get use to it.
Consider all this in 2006.
00 and then $5.
00 per gallon gasoline prices.
Well actually it could get worse than that even.
How so you ask? Well consider the Showdown in Iran and what that will do to oil prices.
As we watch the Hezbollah and Israel war taking place on Lebanon soil, we know all too well that Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah are both funded by Iran.
We also know that Syria is highly involved as well.
Each escalation brings us closer to an Iran-Syria versus the Western World crisis.
And folks this is before we have Hurricane one to consider, as we have been promised that the 2006 Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Season will be a tough one indeed.
Currently we see oil barrel prices hitting new all-time highs and the Commodity Traders in action pushing it to and soon over $80.
00 per barrel.
A major Hurricane Strike like last year along the Gulf Coast will indeed take the price from an $85.
00 to $90.
00 plus and really at that point $100.
00 per barrel is real possible.
So get use to it.
Consider all this in 2006.