List of Insects in South Carolina
- A few of the species of beetles that reside in the state include the bumblebee resembling American carrion, the American oil beetle, the rhinocerous species ox beetle and a number of borer species of beetle including the hardwood stump borer, locust borer, red head ash and red oak borer.
- A few of the different species of flies that live in the state include the coffin fly, crane fly, Dobson fly, fishfly, giant mayfly, giant stonefly and the appropriately named robber fly which chases down other insects to steal their meals or to eat the insect. Other commons flies include the squirrel bot fly, rodent bot fly, common snipe fly and the American hover fly.
- Wasps, ants and bees all belong to the same order of insects, Hymenoptera. In South Carolina, wasps and hornets include the bald faced hornet, cicada killer, common thread waisted wasp, Icheneumon wasp and the paper wasp. Ants in South Carolina include the black carpenter, formica , fire and velvet ant. Bees of South Carolina include the American bumblebee, Eastern carpenter bee, golden northern bumblebee, the common honeybee and the halictid bee.
- Butterflies and moths fall into the order of Lepidoptera. Butterflies of the state include a number of swallowtails, such as the black, Eastern tiger, giant, spicebush, Palamedes and pipevine. Other species of butterflies include the American lady, monarch, pearl crescent, gray hairstreak and cabbage white butterfly. Moths of South Carolina include the Teresa sphinx, small-eyed sphinx, polka dot wasp moth, luna, hummingbird, giant leopard and forage looper.
- The state of South Carolina is home to a vast array of insect and bugs include the stink bug, bed bug, boll weevil, boxelder, European earwig, German cockroach, giant water bug, leaf-footed bug and milkweed bug. Other insects include the Northern walking stick, the periodical cicada, the Carolina locust and grasshopper, wheel bug and the Angular-winged Katydid.
Wasps, Ants and Bees
Butterflies and Moths
Other Bugs