How to Make a Guy Want You - 4 Personalities You Need to Possess
It is a fact that population wise, there are more women than men and you would start wondering how to make a guy want you with the kind of competition you get everywhere.
Therefore, if you have found the guy you have been waiting for you should think of ways to get him to notice you.
So, how to make a guy want you? Here are 4 personalities that you need to possess: 1 - Work on your sense of humor.
For men to enjoy your company, you should have a fun-loving nature.
It is in men's nature to sometimes be rough and raw when it comes to their jokes but you should be able to appreciate the fact that they do this because they are comfortable in your presence so they don't need to be rigidly polite.
You just need to find humor in those jokes so that you could laugh with them.
2 - Warm and Cold Treatment.
You should remind yourself often that, guys will tend to take advantage of the fact that you are nice or "extra" nice to them.
This will make them think you like them too much and that they can get whatever favor they want from you.
Don't! It is perfectly normal to treat him nice but do not overdo this.
You should treat him as any normal friend would but be able to say no appropriately too.
If he likes you the same, he will be on his toes chasing after you.
3 - Generally have fun.
When you are a fun-loving person, you should not be surprised that people will love being around you.
You should not put yourself inside the box of stereotyping that girls are serious creatures.
4 - Be his ultimate challenge.
You like him, yes and he might have noticed the feeling.
However, show him that he is not on the top of your priority list.
Keep in mind that men should do the chasing and not you.
Your optimism will get you somewhere and that is a reality.
Just develop these personalities on how to make a guy want you and you should be able to find the way into your guy's arms.
Therefore, if you have found the guy you have been waiting for you should think of ways to get him to notice you.
So, how to make a guy want you? Here are 4 personalities that you need to possess: 1 - Work on your sense of humor.
For men to enjoy your company, you should have a fun-loving nature.
It is in men's nature to sometimes be rough and raw when it comes to their jokes but you should be able to appreciate the fact that they do this because they are comfortable in your presence so they don't need to be rigidly polite.
You just need to find humor in those jokes so that you could laugh with them.
2 - Warm and Cold Treatment.
You should remind yourself often that, guys will tend to take advantage of the fact that you are nice or "extra" nice to them.
This will make them think you like them too much and that they can get whatever favor they want from you.
Don't! It is perfectly normal to treat him nice but do not overdo this.
You should treat him as any normal friend would but be able to say no appropriately too.
If he likes you the same, he will be on his toes chasing after you.
3 - Generally have fun.
When you are a fun-loving person, you should not be surprised that people will love being around you.
You should not put yourself inside the box of stereotyping that girls are serious creatures.
4 - Be his ultimate challenge.
You like him, yes and he might have noticed the feeling.
However, show him that he is not on the top of your priority list.
Keep in mind that men should do the chasing and not you.
Your optimism will get you somewhere and that is a reality.
Just develop these personalities on how to make a guy want you and you should be able to find the way into your guy's arms.