Why Bank Bailouts Will Make The Greater Depression Worse
Bank bailouts are the major way the monetary scientist socialist elite transfer debt and/or the responsibility for that debt to you and I, the taxpayers. In 2008 Wall Street investment Bankers and the insurance company American International Group (AIG) received bailouts from the federal Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) because their derivative investments based on real estate mortgages went sour. The Federal Reserve Bank worked out the bank bailouts with the help of the Department of Treasury.
1913 was the year the Federal Reserve Bank, a cartel and a monopoly, was planned in secret to create a one-world-order. International bankers figured they will plunder the world via taxes, debt, inflation, bank bailouts and the farce of fiat currencies. Wars and even global warming were to be smokescreens for weakening the once strong America. Additionally, having the U.S. as policeman of the world and the major foreign aid source were also part of the plan. Congress formally passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1920 creating the central bank we now call the FED.
Since the U.S. was so strong back then, the rich bankers needed the cover of a private central bank to bring America down. What better cover for their conspiracy than a central bank with the name federal in it. Bank bailouts and corporate bailouts transfer the money the bankers had lent out over to the taxpayers. Bank bailouts are a fraud.
What a bunch of dummies we are to let them so easily take our freedoms. It has happened slowly and we hardly notice. Bank bailouts have been the main avenue for the advance of the one-world-order takeover by the power elite banksters. The "Big Brother" era will be here sooner than you think if we keep letting them do these corporate and bank bailouts. Each one is a guarantee of debt or a transfer of the debt over to the public sector. You and I and our children - the future taxpayers - get the bill.
The Fed is not federal, a reserve or a bank. It is not even subject to an audit or accountable to anyone. Who owns it? The shares are not traded on any exchange. It is a private corporation watering down our money with inflation. Now, after QE1 we get Ben Bernake starting QE2 (quantitative easing #2). This means the FED will buy large amounts of government bonds with just a computer entry. They don't even need to put ink on paper to flood the country with stimulus. QE2 is projected to be 75 to 100 million dollars per month.
It won't work. The de-leveraging of all the excess credit in the private sector and the price drops in assets like real estate are occurring too fast.
The U.S is now policeman and foreign aid giver of the world thanks to the Federal Reserve and socialist politicians. We fund bank bailouts and company bailouts (GM and Chrysler) left and right. Key leaders of both political parties have been in on this scheme.
Now, we will get deflation and the GREATER DEPRESSION. Will the banksters foreclose on everything and get richer? Smaller government due to reduced tax revenues will be a good thing. Mark my words! Unless private money backed by gold catches on we are doomed to a runaway inflation driving gold to $5,000 per ounce in the distant future. The deflation economy will have its way with the whole world first. 2016 to 2020 may be the bottom. By then most assets will have lost 90% of their value.
Bank bailouts along with the bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler are bad news. The bill always gets paid by the taxpayers, you and I and our children. No wonder they are calling GM, "Government Motors."
Governments worldwide are already stressed out. Some of the strongest European countries are implementing austerity measures and loaning money to tide the weaker countries over. Yes, more worldwide bank bailouts. This is nothing new. It has been going on for years with the help of "Big Brother" type organizations like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. World government leaders should look at ways to reduce taxes and give a lift to business. Instead they are acting like snails and pulling back into their shell.
Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain (PIGS) are reducing workers pay and pensions due to stress over 20% unemployment rates choking off tax revenue causing them to catch the bank bailouts disease. Now, even France is extending the age for retirement.
Five states in the U.S. are technically bankrupt. There is talk of requiring work for welfare. Yes! Do it! 41 million Americans are on food stamps. That number is up a whopping 45 percent since President Obama was elected. What's up with that! Is it a new kind of farm subsidy? Big socialist government just does not work.
279 American Banks have failed in the last few years - the most since the 1930's. The FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, has been privatized. Remember when FDIC only covered the first $100,000 of your money? You an I now become the insurers of last resort for all they deposits in all the banks and credit unions. That's another one of the big bank bailouts. With government run deposit insurance banks and lenders have no risk. Therefore they make unwise money decisions. Just look what happened to the Federal National Mortgage Association, Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were GSEs, government sponsored enterprises. They were listed corportations on the New York Stock Exchange. Not any more. With the federal government to back them up, they made unwise lending decisions leading to bankruptcy. Now, you and I own them. Right they are privatized also. Both of them. Just another one historys recent bank bailouts.
Obamacare putting 20 per cent of our economy under government control is a bailout. It will be the straw that broke the camels back. There will be a lot of health care rationing. Don't let them fool you. Reduced tax revenue due to the business slow down and more people on the system will mandate rationing. This will lead to long lines, long waits and denial of service because of age. All because of the economic reality of reduced tax revenues coming in to government coffers in the GREATER DEPRESSION.
The Federal Reserve and President Barack Hussien Obama both want America weakened and its reputation ruined so a new-world-order world government can take over. I am serious here. The wars, bank bailouts, foreign aid, global warming hype, cap & trade (a business killer) ideas are all smokescreens to hide the elitist big brother - one-world government ambitions.
Now, President Obama apparently has ambitions of getting back at the European, the British and the American colonialists. Obama wants America to pay for what he sees as oppression and a big rip off of natural resources from third world countries that has been going on for the last 300 years. His socialistic ambitions are apparently a fulfilling of his fathers anticolonialist dreams of getting even with these empires. Obama's father's socialist dreams are becoming the worlds nightmare. Obama Jrs dream starts with a vastly more fascist state right here in America. Juniors self written autobiography is titled, DREAMS OF MY FATHER. So, dont tell me otherwise.
You might have a lot of buyers remorse about electing him when you realize you have helped an anticolonialist fascist ruin America.
The power elite world banksters plan is to control us by ruining the value of the money thereby weakening our morals and fortitude. Then they plan rob us of our freedom and make us pawns in their game. They don't care how long it takes. That is why I joined the Libertarian Party. Libertarians believe in small government. Contract out as much as government as possible to the lowest bidder, but keep a military. Free enterprise is the only solution.
Don't trust the Federal Reserve. They are not accountable, subject to an audit, federal or a reserve of anything. They are not even a bank. You can't walk in and open an account.
The Federal Reserve is an agent for the world power elite and money banksters. Rothchilds? Morgans? Warburgs? - Who knows who? Some people are definitely on a nefarious 100 year-old scheme to bring the once strong America down by ruining the value of the money. The dollar of 1913 is now only worth 4 cents. This is so they can have world control and a one-world government. Complete control of people cradle to grave. You had better start protecting your LIBERTY or you won't have any.
The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, other countries central banks and the United Nations are all partners in their new-world-order plan. Now, the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama is joining the conspiracy on a mission to make America pay for invading, occupying and looting the third world nations.
First financial freedom goes - thereby foreclosing free will and liberty. I am serious. We are being duped. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO! This TYRANNY is TREASON. Read the book THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND A Second Look At The Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin 1994, if you don't believe me. Every word is true!
What is deflation? It is the de-leveraging of the 100 years of credit inflation and bank bailouts. Credit inflations always crash. The credit deflation goes much faster. It picks up speed and size the way a snowball rolls down a hill. The GREATER DEPRESSION started in 2000 with the dot com stock crash so we are only halfway through it. The real trying times are yet to come.
1913 was the year the Federal Reserve Bank, a cartel and a monopoly, was planned in secret to create a one-world-order. International bankers figured they will plunder the world via taxes, debt, inflation, bank bailouts and the farce of fiat currencies. Wars and even global warming were to be smokescreens for weakening the once strong America. Additionally, having the U.S. as policeman of the world and the major foreign aid source were also part of the plan. Congress formally passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1920 creating the central bank we now call the FED.
Since the U.S. was so strong back then, the rich bankers needed the cover of a private central bank to bring America down. What better cover for their conspiracy than a central bank with the name federal in it. Bank bailouts and corporate bailouts transfer the money the bankers had lent out over to the taxpayers. Bank bailouts are a fraud.
What a bunch of dummies we are to let them so easily take our freedoms. It has happened slowly and we hardly notice. Bank bailouts have been the main avenue for the advance of the one-world-order takeover by the power elite banksters. The "Big Brother" era will be here sooner than you think if we keep letting them do these corporate and bank bailouts. Each one is a guarantee of debt or a transfer of the debt over to the public sector. You and I and our children - the future taxpayers - get the bill.
The Fed is not federal, a reserve or a bank. It is not even subject to an audit or accountable to anyone. Who owns it? The shares are not traded on any exchange. It is a private corporation watering down our money with inflation. Now, after QE1 we get Ben Bernake starting QE2 (quantitative easing #2). This means the FED will buy large amounts of government bonds with just a computer entry. They don't even need to put ink on paper to flood the country with stimulus. QE2 is projected to be 75 to 100 million dollars per month.
It won't work. The de-leveraging of all the excess credit in the private sector and the price drops in assets like real estate are occurring too fast.
The U.S is now policeman and foreign aid giver of the world thanks to the Federal Reserve and socialist politicians. We fund bank bailouts and company bailouts (GM and Chrysler) left and right. Key leaders of both political parties have been in on this scheme.
Now, we will get deflation and the GREATER DEPRESSION. Will the banksters foreclose on everything and get richer? Smaller government due to reduced tax revenues will be a good thing. Mark my words! Unless private money backed by gold catches on we are doomed to a runaway inflation driving gold to $5,000 per ounce in the distant future. The deflation economy will have its way with the whole world first. 2016 to 2020 may be the bottom. By then most assets will have lost 90% of their value.
Bank bailouts along with the bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler are bad news. The bill always gets paid by the taxpayers, you and I and our children. No wonder they are calling GM, "Government Motors."
Governments worldwide are already stressed out. Some of the strongest European countries are implementing austerity measures and loaning money to tide the weaker countries over. Yes, more worldwide bank bailouts. This is nothing new. It has been going on for years with the help of "Big Brother" type organizations like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. World government leaders should look at ways to reduce taxes and give a lift to business. Instead they are acting like snails and pulling back into their shell.
Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain (PIGS) are reducing workers pay and pensions due to stress over 20% unemployment rates choking off tax revenue causing them to catch the bank bailouts disease. Now, even France is extending the age for retirement.
Five states in the U.S. are technically bankrupt. There is talk of requiring work for welfare. Yes! Do it! 41 million Americans are on food stamps. That number is up a whopping 45 percent since President Obama was elected. What's up with that! Is it a new kind of farm subsidy? Big socialist government just does not work.
279 American Banks have failed in the last few years - the most since the 1930's. The FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, has been privatized. Remember when FDIC only covered the first $100,000 of your money? You an I now become the insurers of last resort for all they deposits in all the banks and credit unions. That's another one of the big bank bailouts. With government run deposit insurance banks and lenders have no risk. Therefore they make unwise money decisions. Just look what happened to the Federal National Mortgage Association, Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were GSEs, government sponsored enterprises. They were listed corportations on the New York Stock Exchange. Not any more. With the federal government to back them up, they made unwise lending decisions leading to bankruptcy. Now, you and I own them. Right they are privatized also. Both of them. Just another one historys recent bank bailouts.
Obamacare putting 20 per cent of our economy under government control is a bailout. It will be the straw that broke the camels back. There will be a lot of health care rationing. Don't let them fool you. Reduced tax revenue due to the business slow down and more people on the system will mandate rationing. This will lead to long lines, long waits and denial of service because of age. All because of the economic reality of reduced tax revenues coming in to government coffers in the GREATER DEPRESSION.
The Federal Reserve and President Barack Hussien Obama both want America weakened and its reputation ruined so a new-world-order world government can take over. I am serious here. The wars, bank bailouts, foreign aid, global warming hype, cap & trade (a business killer) ideas are all smokescreens to hide the elitist big brother - one-world government ambitions.
Now, President Obama apparently has ambitions of getting back at the European, the British and the American colonialists. Obama wants America to pay for what he sees as oppression and a big rip off of natural resources from third world countries that has been going on for the last 300 years. His socialistic ambitions are apparently a fulfilling of his fathers anticolonialist dreams of getting even with these empires. Obama's father's socialist dreams are becoming the worlds nightmare. Obama Jrs dream starts with a vastly more fascist state right here in America. Juniors self written autobiography is titled, DREAMS OF MY FATHER. So, dont tell me otherwise.
You might have a lot of buyers remorse about electing him when you realize you have helped an anticolonialist fascist ruin America.
The power elite world banksters plan is to control us by ruining the value of the money thereby weakening our morals and fortitude. Then they plan rob us of our freedom and make us pawns in their game. They don't care how long it takes. That is why I joined the Libertarian Party. Libertarians believe in small government. Contract out as much as government as possible to the lowest bidder, but keep a military. Free enterprise is the only solution.
Don't trust the Federal Reserve. They are not accountable, subject to an audit, federal or a reserve of anything. They are not even a bank. You can't walk in and open an account.
The Federal Reserve is an agent for the world power elite and money banksters. Rothchilds? Morgans? Warburgs? - Who knows who? Some people are definitely on a nefarious 100 year-old scheme to bring the once strong America down by ruining the value of the money. The dollar of 1913 is now only worth 4 cents. This is so they can have world control and a one-world government. Complete control of people cradle to grave. You had better start protecting your LIBERTY or you won't have any.
The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, other countries central banks and the United Nations are all partners in their new-world-order plan. Now, the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama is joining the conspiracy on a mission to make America pay for invading, occupying and looting the third world nations.
First financial freedom goes - thereby foreclosing free will and liberty. I am serious. We are being duped. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO! This TYRANNY is TREASON. Read the book THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND A Second Look At The Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin 1994, if you don't believe me. Every word is true!
What is deflation? It is the de-leveraging of the 100 years of credit inflation and bank bailouts. Credit inflations always crash. The credit deflation goes much faster. It picks up speed and size the way a snowball rolls down a hill. The GREATER DEPRESSION started in 2000 with the dot com stock crash so we are only halfway through it. The real trying times are yet to come.