What Are the Deductions for Two People Under the Means Test for Bankruptcy?
- The bankruptcy means test is an financial evaluation to determine whether or not you are eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Under Chapter 7, you would be allowed to discharge most of your debts and enjoy a clean slate. The means test determines if you have disposable income to pay off your debts. If not, then you can be granted this option that will allow you to get rid of all or most of your debts.
- Under bankruptcy laws, a household of two people can deduct a total of $985 per month for food, clothing and other items as of 2010. This number rises over the years to help account for inflation. This is a standard deduction and does not take into account your actual living expenses, which could be higher or lower.
- Housing and utility deductions have a local standard instead of a national standard. Therefore, deductions will be different depending on which state and county you live in. For example, the deduction for two people in Johnson County, Kansas as of 2010 is $1,557.
- Individuals looking to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can also claim a deduction for out-of-pocket health care costs. This is a standard deduction, independent of your actual out-of-pocket health care costs, which may be higher or lower. As of 2010, the per-person allowance for out-of-pocket health care costs was $60 for those under 65, a total of $120 for two people, or $144 for those over age 65, or $288 for two people. This is independent of what you pay for your health care plan.
- This last deduction is based on how many cars you own, not how many people are in your household. If both people share one car, the deduction is $496 as of 2010. If the household has two cars, then the deduction is $992 as of 2010. With this deduction, you should claim the amount of your actual expenses or the deduction, if it is less. Those without cars can claim a public transportation deduction of $182, as of 2010, even if the amount spent was less.
Food and Clothing
Housing and Utilities
Health Care