The Bold and the Beautiful Recaps, May 12-16, 2014
Here is what is happened on The Bold and the Beautiful the week of May 12:
MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014
Oliver advises Thorne that in regards to his relationship with Taylor, being honest with Aly might be a bad idea. Realizing that Taylor and Aly have both been gone awhile, the two men begin to worry that they may have run into each other. In the photo studio, Aly threatens Taylor with the ax, saying, "Terrified?
Now you know how my mother felt when you ran her down with her car. You need to get out of here. My father isn't dating you." Taylor prevents Aly from leaving and tries to explain her relationship with Thorne. When Oliver and Thorne arrive a dismayed Aly asks her father to explain the horrible things that Taylor has just told her. Taylor is shocked when Aly makes an impassioned request of Thorne to not see Taylor anymore and he agrees. Katie tells Bill that Ridge proposed. They have a nice conversation until Brooke comes up. Bill reminds her that Brooke tried to convince Katie to do the right thing. She didn't want to use the papers. Katie brushes it off, saying that she has learned not to dwell on the past, and she is looking forward to her new life. Ridge attempts to convince Brooke that Bill is not good for her or for R.J. He calls Bill a clown who only looks out for himself. How can Brooke put her faith in a man like that? He says that he doesn't want R.J. to spend time with Bill.
TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014
Thorne and Taylor are concerned about Aly’s reaction to news of their relationship and discuss Aly’s emotional health. Taylor says she didn't think Aly's anger would escalate like that; Thorne says he was naive. Taylor urges Thorne to give Aly his love and support. Thorne tells Taylor maybe down the road they can be together, but right now, he needs to put all his focus on Aly. Thorne says he is going to give up his job as head of international, and take back his old job downstairs. Oliver does his best to comfort Aly and assures her that he is there for her. Aly says she doesn't understand how her father could fall in love with Taylor. Oliver says she can let it all out with him, tell him things she can't tell her dad. Aly tells Oliver that she picked up the ax and threatened Taylor with it. Oliver tells her the only way to make peace with the situation is through forgiveness. Aly says that would be a betrayal of her mother They discuss Darla and how she would feel about this situation as well as fear and forgiveness Aly says she wants Taylor to feel the pain. Oliver says she will even if Aly forgives her. Katie tells Ridge that their current situation with Brooke and Bill calls for compromise but Ridge refuses to budge. Ridge says he doesn't want Bill anywhere near R.J. Ridge tells Katie that he told Brooke to kick Bill to the curb. Their relationships are completely different. Ridge says he is planning to be married to Katie for life, implying that Bill and Brooke will break up. Oliver talks to Thorne and Taylor and says that Aly needs to find a way to forgive Taylor. Thorne says no. The last thing Aly needs is to see Taylor. Oliver says that Aly needs to move on. Aly makes a surprising request of Taylor. Can Taylor teach her how to forgive her?
Ridge and Bill verbally spar, each trying to one-up the other. Ridge threatens Bill that they might get lawyers involved to revoke the papers that Katie signed that returned Bill to his CEO job and gave him equal custody of Will. Bill says think about what you're saying. You don't want to go there. Besides, we both know that it wasn't what Katie wanted. Ridge says that he wants Bill out of his life and he definitely doesn't want him near his son. In fact, he doesn't want Bill near R.J. or Brooke. Bill tells Ridge that they will be family once he marries Brooke. Thorne turns to Brooke for advice about Aly and Taylor. Thorne tells Brooke how strongly Aly reacted, so he broke it off with Taylor. Thorne says he is going to stay in L.A. to be near Aly. He is going to resign his job in Paris, because he can't be near Taylor either. Aly asks Taylor to tell her about the night her mother died. Taylor emotionally breaks down as she tells her the story, saying "It was an awful, horrible mistake. I wish I could tell you how to forgive me. I've told you how sorry I am about your mother's death. I don't believe in living with regret, but I do. I will regret it for the rest of my life. The only reason I was able to go on with my life is because Thorne forgave me." Aly asks Taylor for the details of what happened that night in Malibu. Taylor describes it: Phoebe called. She had a flat tire and the fog was in. Taylor told her to wait and she would be right there. It was the night of Aly's birthday party. Phoebe called the house and Darla told her she was on the way. Darla started changing the flat tire herself in the dark on the highway. Darla slipped and fell as she was changing the tire and Taylor hit her with her car. Oliver points out to Aly that it was Taylor who helped her father heal. Aly says, the woman who killed my mother gave my father back his life. Aly and Taylor hug and cry.
THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
Thorne returns to the Forrester CEO office and is surprised by what he witnesses between Aly and Taylor. Taylor says they had a breakthrough. Aly says that Oliver made her see that she can't keep carrying the negativity around and the only way she can get past it is to forgiven Taylor. She has done that. She tells her dad to go back to Paris to the job he loves and to be with the woman he loves. Thorne tells Taylor he is happy that Aly can now start to live and that he doesn't have to lose the woman he loves again. Aly tells Oliver that he showed her the way her mother would want her to live. Bill informs Brooke that he is going to move forward in formally welcoming Wyatt into the Spencer family. Brooke says that she finds it hard to picture Bill with Quinn. Bill tells Brooke that Ridge told him that he didn't approve of his relationship with Brooke. Ridge tells Katie he is not happy about Brooke's relationship with Bill. Katie defends him, saying he is a good father. Ridge says that if he has his way, Bill will not be part of Brooke and R.J.'s life. Brooke can make her own plans, but not for R.J. Katie asks him if the reason he feels so strongly about Bill being with Brooke is he still has feelings for her. Katie and Ridge begin to make wedding plans.
FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014
Bill reveals to Liam that he wants to take Brooke on a trip far away from all of the drama both in her professional and her personal life. He decides to take her somewhere that Ridge has never taken her before: Dubai. Bill says he wants to thank her for giving him back his life. Brooke and Hope discuss Hope’s love life. Hope says she is still dating both of the Spencer brothers. The problem is she can see herself with either of them. Brooke tells her daughter she’s proud of her for taking the time to make the right decision. She thinks the pregnancy scare may have been a good thing. Brooke gets a call from Bill asking her to come to his office right away. When he gets there, he tells her she is the only woman who accepts him as he is. It is time to make it official. He pulls out her engagement ring. He has his company back, his son, all that is missing is her. Marry me? She says, of course! Quinn tells Wyatt that when Hope picks him, make sure Liam gets custody of the cat. Wyatt officially becomes a Spencer. Quinn intercepts Liam text to Hope and realizing that he intends to interrupt the time that Hope is about to spend with Wyatt, Quinn locks Liam in the steam room and turns up the heat to 125 degrees. Then she makes it even hotter.