President Obama"s Obamacare Is Already Hurting Medicare and the Senior Citizens
Before President Obama was elected, I told all my friends over 65 that they would lose their Medicare rights.
All I got was indignant stares indicating that I was crazy.
It was beyond their ability to even think that anyone would change their medicare.
Unfortunately it is happening.
Medicare has lessened the amount of physical therapy sessions from 32+ to 22+ sessions making it mostly impossible to correct even the simplest disabilities.
The recent uproar over Former Vice President Dick Chaney receiving a heart transplant at the age of 71 indicates how the future of Obamacare rationing will be handling.
If he had used his status as a former vice president to move up the list, I could understand the resentment.
But he did not.
He waited two years taking the chance he would not live long enough to get a heart transplant.
He could have died like anyone else.
Someone age 71 would not get a transplant even if it was his turn as they do in Britain.
The lie that their will not be any rationing death squads is against the Obama appointed, non elected health czar Kathleen Sebelius, the newly nominated Secretary of Health and Human Services and Nancy-Ann DeParle the nation's director of the White House Office of Health Reform, both are on record stating their desire for rationing and death panels.
The original untruth was of costs for Obamacare @ $900 million dollars to the government.
The new estimate is $2+ trillion dollars which could have been easily correctly estimated since the British costs turned out to be 3x their original estimate.
It's unfortunate that our President Obama doesn't tell the truth.
There are over 40 provable egregious untruths he has committed since he originally started campaigning in 2008.
In addition he takes credit for positive results he had nothing to do with.
For example he says that we are producing more oil today then we ever have before.
While this is true, he makes it seem that he has some responsibility for this.
The truth is that the increased oil production is from private land while government land has produced up to 40% less because he has denied proper drilling permits.
Every businessman knows when you change suppliers or fire someone you have a product or person to replace that which has been changed.
President Obama wants to reduce our use of carbon based products but has nothing to replace it except wild dreams.
Algae anyone.
President Obama tells untruths about not having a way to reduce the cost of oil.
I will tell him a few that I am sure he knows.
• Approve all the drill permits that have been applied for.
• Open up the gulf and allow inshore drilling again.
Deep water drilling was a bad idea forced by the environmentalists.
Didn't turn out too well did it? If the BP disaster was inshore they could have turned it off right away saving the BP environmental disaster.
• Allow the Keystone pipeline to be connected to Canada to bring in cheaper Canadian oil.
• It's public land that the oil companies will be drilling on.
The president has the right to require them to commit a certain percent (to be determined) to the American market including refined gasoline and not sell it overseas.
All I got was indignant stares indicating that I was crazy.
It was beyond their ability to even think that anyone would change their medicare.
Unfortunately it is happening.
Medicare has lessened the amount of physical therapy sessions from 32+ to 22+ sessions making it mostly impossible to correct even the simplest disabilities.
The recent uproar over Former Vice President Dick Chaney receiving a heart transplant at the age of 71 indicates how the future of Obamacare rationing will be handling.
If he had used his status as a former vice president to move up the list, I could understand the resentment.
But he did not.
He waited two years taking the chance he would not live long enough to get a heart transplant.
He could have died like anyone else.
Someone age 71 would not get a transplant even if it was his turn as they do in Britain.
The lie that their will not be any rationing death squads is against the Obama appointed, non elected health czar Kathleen Sebelius, the newly nominated Secretary of Health and Human Services and Nancy-Ann DeParle the nation's director of the White House Office of Health Reform, both are on record stating their desire for rationing and death panels.
The original untruth was of costs for Obamacare @ $900 million dollars to the government.
The new estimate is $2+ trillion dollars which could have been easily correctly estimated since the British costs turned out to be 3x their original estimate.
It's unfortunate that our President Obama doesn't tell the truth.
There are over 40 provable egregious untruths he has committed since he originally started campaigning in 2008.
In addition he takes credit for positive results he had nothing to do with.
For example he says that we are producing more oil today then we ever have before.
While this is true, he makes it seem that he has some responsibility for this.
The truth is that the increased oil production is from private land while government land has produced up to 40% less because he has denied proper drilling permits.
Every businessman knows when you change suppliers or fire someone you have a product or person to replace that which has been changed.
President Obama wants to reduce our use of carbon based products but has nothing to replace it except wild dreams.
Algae anyone.
President Obama tells untruths about not having a way to reduce the cost of oil.
I will tell him a few that I am sure he knows.
• Approve all the drill permits that have been applied for.
• Open up the gulf and allow inshore drilling again.
Deep water drilling was a bad idea forced by the environmentalists.
Didn't turn out too well did it? If the BP disaster was inshore they could have turned it off right away saving the BP environmental disaster.
• Allow the Keystone pipeline to be connected to Canada to bring in cheaper Canadian oil.
• It's public land that the oil companies will be drilling on.
The president has the right to require them to commit a certain percent (to be determined) to the American market including refined gasoline and not sell it overseas.