How to Treat Dandruff in Cats
- 1). Examine your cat for fleas or other bugs. Fleas can cause dermatitis, and parasites can appear to be dandruff. If you suspect parasites, your vet will need to be consulted.
- 2). Stop bathing your cat. Cat's clean themselves instinctively. Shampooing them can dry out their skin, causing dandruff.
- 3). Feed your cats small amounts of tuna fish. Tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep their coats healthy.
- 4). Take your cat to the vet. Feline diabetes can cause dandruff.
- 5). Brush your cats. This will help remove any dead skin cells and stimulate oil production at the follicle.
- 6). Add a few drops of olive oil to your cats food. Mix well before serving.