Top Of The Line Wireless Doorbell Chime Units
For some people, money is no object and they take this approach when purchasing items for their homes. Manufacturers are happy to create products designed with this in mind and that includes everything from luxury cars to simple accessories like doorbell chimes. Anyone who is upgrading or building a home and is not limited by budget may want to consider some of the extravagant wireless doorbell chime units available.
Jacob Jensen makes an assortment of systems with contemporary styling. It is not unusual to see these units selling for close to $200. One system features four volume-adjustable polyphonic tunes and a low-frequency tune designed for people who are hearing impaired. One receiver and one bell push are included in a package but the unit can be expanded as required. Both battery-operated components feature a small light that indicates a ring or low battery.
A six-channel system is also available, with each channel connectable to a wireless push button, an indoor or outdoor motion detector, or a window or door contact sensor. For those with an existing wired system, a converter is sold separately that enables this device to interface with it. The available tones include a bell, warm brass sound, and Westminster chimes. One bell push is provided, with additional devices in silver, brass, or white available separately. For this technology, an individual will pay at least $148.
Some people want to go more traditional and for them there is a wireless wooden doorbell containing faux brass tubes, with a price of just under $100. The battery-operated receiver has a maximum range of 150 feet and can be programmed to play either a two or eight-note melody with adjustable volume. Additional receivers in either brass or nickel can be purchased for under $40.
If a personalized touch is the goal, customizable systems can be found for under $90. These allow the user to convert MIDI, MP3, or WMA files to create a song that will be played through the receiver. Included are a 4MB sound card and the necessary software CD. Seven preselected tones are also included with this 150-foot maximum range battery-operated system.
Owners of larger homes or multi-building dwellings will find that longer-range systems meet their needs. One allows a wireless doorbell chime to be emitted up to 1400 feet from the transmitter. It can accommodate up to twelve push buttons and features four distinct tones. Systems like these are also compatible with motion sensors, converting them into motion alarm plus doorbell units.
Jacob Jensen makes an assortment of systems with contemporary styling. It is not unusual to see these units selling for close to $200. One system features four volume-adjustable polyphonic tunes and a low-frequency tune designed for people who are hearing impaired. One receiver and one bell push are included in a package but the unit can be expanded as required. Both battery-operated components feature a small light that indicates a ring or low battery.
A six-channel system is also available, with each channel connectable to a wireless push button, an indoor or outdoor motion detector, or a window or door contact sensor. For those with an existing wired system, a converter is sold separately that enables this device to interface with it. The available tones include a bell, warm brass sound, and Westminster chimes. One bell push is provided, with additional devices in silver, brass, or white available separately. For this technology, an individual will pay at least $148.
Some people want to go more traditional and for them there is a wireless wooden doorbell containing faux brass tubes, with a price of just under $100. The battery-operated receiver has a maximum range of 150 feet and can be programmed to play either a two or eight-note melody with adjustable volume. Additional receivers in either brass or nickel can be purchased for under $40.
If a personalized touch is the goal, customizable systems can be found for under $90. These allow the user to convert MIDI, MP3, or WMA files to create a song that will be played through the receiver. Included are a 4MB sound card and the necessary software CD. Seven preselected tones are also included with this 150-foot maximum range battery-operated system.
Owners of larger homes or multi-building dwellings will find that longer-range systems meet their needs. One allows a wireless doorbell chime to be emitted up to 1400 feet from the transmitter. It can accommodate up to twelve push buttons and features four distinct tones. Systems like these are also compatible with motion sensors, converting them into motion alarm plus doorbell units.