Top 5 Reasons Why Raising Your Own Chickens is a Good Idea
Are you thinking about raising chickens in your back yard? Many people are considering raising their own chickens so they can be more self sufficient.
Plus, keeping your own chickens helps cut down on food costs.
Here are 5 reasons why raising your own chickens is a good idea! 1.
You will always have fresh eggs.
Fresh eggs taste way better than store bought eggs.
Plus you will know how long it's been since they were laid, so no worries about bacteria and cleanliness.
You can have fresh meat if you need it.
Whether you decide to have chickens for eggs only, or for fresh poultry meat, it's up to you.
But you have the choice if you want it! 3.
Raising your own chicken is healthier.
You know exactly what your chickens are fed, and how they are taken care of.
Most production based farm chickens are fed hormones and antibiotics to make them grow larger and at a faster pace.
Those chemicals are passed on through the meat and eggs, which means you ingest them anytime you buy store bought poultry.
If you raise your own chickens, the meat and eggs will be healthier for you, and more natural, the way mother nature intended! 4.
Cheaper than store bought! Fresh eggs and chicken meat are definitely cheaper than buying store bought.
Raising your own will mean a lower grocery bill.
Barter with your neighbors.
If you end up with a lot of eggs or meat, you can barter with your neighbors.
Many people will trade goods and services for fresh eggs! Or if you know someone who has a prolific garden, often you can trade eggs for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Or if you're so inclined, you could also sell your eggs at the local Farmer's Market and make extra cash!
Plus, keeping your own chickens helps cut down on food costs.
Here are 5 reasons why raising your own chickens is a good idea! 1.
You will always have fresh eggs.
Fresh eggs taste way better than store bought eggs.
Plus you will know how long it's been since they were laid, so no worries about bacteria and cleanliness.
You can have fresh meat if you need it.
Whether you decide to have chickens for eggs only, or for fresh poultry meat, it's up to you.
But you have the choice if you want it! 3.
Raising your own chicken is healthier.
You know exactly what your chickens are fed, and how they are taken care of.
Most production based farm chickens are fed hormones and antibiotics to make them grow larger and at a faster pace.
Those chemicals are passed on through the meat and eggs, which means you ingest them anytime you buy store bought poultry.
If you raise your own chickens, the meat and eggs will be healthier for you, and more natural, the way mother nature intended! 4.
Cheaper than store bought! Fresh eggs and chicken meat are definitely cheaper than buying store bought.
Raising your own will mean a lower grocery bill.
Barter with your neighbors.
If you end up with a lot of eggs or meat, you can barter with your neighbors.
Many people will trade goods and services for fresh eggs! Or if you know someone who has a prolific garden, often you can trade eggs for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Or if you're so inclined, you could also sell your eggs at the local Farmer's Market and make extra cash!