Which Paint Do I Use for an Old Outdoor Wooden Bench?
- When choosing the paint for this project, you'll need a high-quality exterior paint that is acceptable for wood. Exterior paints have properties that interior paints don't have, and vice versa. These paints are made to resist fading, be in direct sunlight and also have additives such as pesticides that may prevent pests, molds, mildew or other outdoor problems. Not all exterior paints are acceptable for wood; a paint store professional will be able to help you choose the right paint for this project. In many cases, exterior house paint will do the trick and you'll be able to choose from a variety of colors.
- Solid-color stains are somewhere between the finish of a regular stain and a paint. They're not semitransparent like most stains, although they may still show some of the grains in your wood. Solid-colored wood stains are designed to highlight the natural beauty of your wood while providing a solid, smooth finish. Solid-color stains also come in a variety of colors, just like paints. You can match a color in most cases as you would do a paint color.
- When planning to stain or paint your old wooden bench, preparation can make or break your project. Rinse off your bench with a hose; a pressure washer will do wonders if you have access to one. After rinsing, scrape off any peeling paint then follow with sanding your bench down to a smooth finish. Sanding will remove any of the old paint you couldn't remove by rinsing or scraping. Wipe the bench down to remove any sawdust and leftover debris. If you're painting and not using a solid-color stain, apply an exterior primer designed for wood.
- One of the most beneficial aspects of repainting an old piece of furniture is that the possibilities are almost endless. You can choose more than one complementary color for the bench and the sides. You can apply a faux finish to create a crackled effect. As long as you've purchased an exterior paint designed for wood, you'll be able to create a masterpiece for your outdoor living area.
Solid-Color Stain
Creating the Look