How to Find and Get Local Scholarships
- 1). You won't find many local scholarships on the big Internet scholarship
search engines, but don't leave local sources of money out of your search. Check with local organizations such as Rotary International, Kiwanis Club, Elks Club, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), American Legion, Lions Club, YMCA, and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), which all award scholarships on a local level. Look in the Yellow
Pages of your telephone directory or online for the telephone numbers of these organizations. - 2). Your guidance counselor is usually the best source of local scholarship information. Most local organizations provide information to high school guidance offices on a regular basis. Another good source is your local library. Ask a librarian for help.
- 3). Check your local newspapers for announcements of scholarships
awarded to local students, and then contact these organizations about how to apply for the next round of scholarships. The newspaper announcements usually occur between March and June, when most scholarships are awarded. You can browse through past issues of newspapers at your local library to find announcements.