How To Reach Your Internet Money Goals - Part 2
In How To Reach Your Internet Money Goals - Part 1 we looked at the first three rules you needed to follow in order to achieve your goals. In this article we will be looking at the remaining four rules you need to action in order to make your Internet Money Goal a reality.
A quick reminder of what a goal is: A Goal or objective consists of a projected state of affairs which a person or a system plans or intends to achieve or bring about -- a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development.
A desire or an intention becomes a goal if and only if one activates an action for achieving it. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
The first three rules are:
Rule No 1 - Clearly Define Your Internet Money Goal
Rule No 2 - Set Out Your Strategy Or Long Term Plan
Rule No 3 - Plan Out The Problems
Rule No 4 - Build In Reserves
Build in Mental, Physical and Spiritual reserves. Figure out how much rest your body needs to function at its optimum and give your body that rest. Feed your mind by reading positive stories of achievement. Read good biographies and auto-biographies to encourage yourself to succeed. Build your confidence reserves. Feed your spirit.
Build into your life people you can rely on in times of need and who can rely on you in times of need. A good network of people in key positions, with the ability and willingness to help is a strong reserve.
Build money reserves especially in this economic climate. Financial fluid reserves are necessary. Don't spend everything you make.
Rule No 5 - Set Time Lines
Set time lines for each of your Internet Money Goals. It can be by days, months or years. Each minor and major goal must have a timeline attached to it.
Rule No 6 - Create A Master Plan
The Master Plan should be a summary of all your internet money goals. It should show how all your goals fit together and how they flow into each other.
Have defined milestones within this master plan with trigger points.
Rule No 7 - Take Action Daily
Take action daily in line with your goals. Decisive action can turn the smallest Internet Money Goal into a Magnificent reality.
A quick reminder of what a goal is: A Goal or objective consists of a projected state of affairs which a person or a system plans or intends to achieve or bring about -- a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development.
A desire or an intention becomes a goal if and only if one activates an action for achieving it. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
The first three rules are:
Rule No 1 - Clearly Define Your Internet Money Goal
Rule No 2 - Set Out Your Strategy Or Long Term Plan
Rule No 3 - Plan Out The Problems
Rule No 4 - Build In Reserves
Build in Mental, Physical and Spiritual reserves. Figure out how much rest your body needs to function at its optimum and give your body that rest. Feed your mind by reading positive stories of achievement. Read good biographies and auto-biographies to encourage yourself to succeed. Build your confidence reserves. Feed your spirit.
Build into your life people you can rely on in times of need and who can rely on you in times of need. A good network of people in key positions, with the ability and willingness to help is a strong reserve.
Build money reserves especially in this economic climate. Financial fluid reserves are necessary. Don't spend everything you make.
Rule No 5 - Set Time Lines
Set time lines for each of your Internet Money Goals. It can be by days, months or years. Each minor and major goal must have a timeline attached to it.
Rule No 6 - Create A Master Plan
The Master Plan should be a summary of all your internet money goals. It should show how all your goals fit together and how they flow into each other.
Have defined milestones within this master plan with trigger points.
Rule No 7 - Take Action Daily
Take action daily in line with your goals. Decisive action can turn the smallest Internet Money Goal into a Magnificent reality.