How to Preserve Fresh Beef Broth
- 1). Wash canning jars, lids and bands in hot, soapy water. Rinse well. Keep lids and bands in a pot of hot water until you're ready to use them.
- 2). Boil water in a large kettle or soup pot. Submerge canning jars in the water and simmer until ready to use.
- 3). Rinse meat bones in cold water. Cut slashes in the bones to release the flavorful marrow during cooking.
- 4). Place slashed beef bones in the bottom of a large soup pot or kettle. Cover with fresh, cold water. Cover the pot and simmer the contents for three to four hours.
- 5). Remove beef bones and meat pieces to a plate or bowl with a slotted spoon. Skim off fat to a grease jar.
- 6). Return meat pieces to broth. Bring the broth to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
- 7). Fill hot canning jars with broth, allowing an inch of head space. Wipe can rims with paper towel. Add lid and band. Screw band securely.
- 8). Add 2 inches of warm water to the bottom of your pressure canner. Insert beef broth jars into canner.
- 9). Seal canner securely. Turn heat to high. Set pressure gauge to 10 lbs.
- 10
Set kitchen timer to 10 minutes after steam begins to escape from canner vent. Close vent promptly when steam has been building for 10 minutes. - 11
Process your beef broth pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes at 10 lbs. pressure. Begin timing after vent is closed. - 12
Remove canner from heat and allow pressure gauge to drop to zero. Open canner with lid facing away from you. - 13
Use jar lifter to remove jars from canner. Cool jars on a paper towel away from drafts.