How to Find Homes For Sale at Huge Discounts
There are several options to finding West Palm Beach homes for sale that are being offered at a significant discount.
In this article, I'll reveal three sources you can use to gain huge discounts when purchasing your next property in west palm beach.
Option One: 'Distressed' properties.
Capturing 'Distressed' properties maximizes your chances of generating a considerable discount on from the purchase price - especially if the seller has a time-constraint, where he or she has to sell by a certain date or face falling behind on their mortgage.
This is an position most owners want to avoid, because if they fall behind one too-many-times on their mortgage, they may possibly face a Pre-Foreclosure.
Usually, 'Distressed' properties are homes where homeowners can not afford to make their mortgage payments due to an unexpected circumstance: death in the family, divorce, or loss of job and therefore, need to get rid of the home.
Finding 'Distressed' properties may or may not be simple - it depends on how much research, time and effort you're willing to put in when looking for these types of deals.
Some of the best places to check for 'Distressed' properties are your local news papers where homeowners (not real estate agents) have taken out an add and clearly written "Distress' sale - AND have also given a reason for the distress.
Having the reason of the distress is almost a sure sign the property may be obtained at a significant discount.
Option Two: Foreclosure homes.
Just the other day, a client of mine asked me to explain to her what a Foreclosure was and how she could purchase one of those properties for almost half its value? Apparently someone had told her she could buy homes in foreclosure for half what they were worth.
Whomever the person was failed to mention that my client also needed to be at the steps of the court house every morning (where these homes are sold), ready to bid against savvy foreclosure investors who have been buying these types of properties for decades.
My client wouldn't stand a chance against these battle-hardened bidders; but even if she did get a successful bid accepted, she would have to pay the FULL AMOUNT of the purchase price in CASH - AND within 24 hours of the purchase.
(If you're reading this and have the cash to buy a foreclosure, you now know to go to the courthouse, where you can purchase a home for an incredible bargain.
) But what about the rest of us? What about those of us who may not have $200,000 in cash, or more, to spend in a home? Where do we go to find west palm beach homes for sale that may be selling for half their value? Besides the courthouse, is there another place we can find these properties where we don't have to compete against expert foreclosure buyers? The answer: yes.
In fact, when I revealed the place to my client, it apparently seemed to cheerfully spin her around several times.
When she stopped spinning, her eyes had become as big as saucers and her mouth had dropped wide open.
Here's what I shared with her...
Don't wait until the home is in foreclosure to put a offer on it.
There are many owners who are facing foreclosure who know they will not be able to save their home from being sold at the courthouse.
These owners are willing to sell their homes at a huge discount so they can avoid foreclosure and save their credit.
Here's how you can access them: Go online and register with several sites that specialize in foreclosures.
I recommend registering (submitting your email so you could receive frequent foreclosure opportunity emails) with at least 3 to 4 websites.
This way, you will better understand the foreclosure 'market' and be able to better exploit the properties that best suit your purchasing requirements when you find them, whether it be in price or condition, or both.
Now at days, people find themselves facing 'Pre-Foreclosures' or 'Foreclosures' or mostly because their properties were bought on speculation.
This means that the owner, or investor, bought the home with the intention of selling it at a later time (anywhere between 2 - 12 months) for a profit.
But since the market went south, so did their chances to make a profit.
Their pain is your gain...
to gain a great bargain property...
if you act fast.
As in most of these cases, it's a "first come, first served" process.
There is a fee associated with these foreclosure sites when choosing to purchase a home, but it's minimal one and well worth it.
Lastly, Option 3: Probate properties.
The third option you have to finding discounted West Palm Beach homes for sale is to purchase a list of Probate properties.
What are properties in Probate you ask? When someone dies without a will the estate must pass through probate.
That means a Probate Court will take control of the estate and oversee the distribution of the deceased's assets.
Each year over ONE MILLION estates are probated.
The process takes about three years.
When searching for West Palm Beach homes for sale that may have a significant discount, this list may be the top producing source of great bargain properties.
In this article, I'll reveal three sources you can use to gain huge discounts when purchasing your next property in west palm beach.
Option One: 'Distressed' properties.
Capturing 'Distressed' properties maximizes your chances of generating a considerable discount on from the purchase price - especially if the seller has a time-constraint, where he or she has to sell by a certain date or face falling behind on their mortgage.
This is an position most owners want to avoid, because if they fall behind one too-many-times on their mortgage, they may possibly face a Pre-Foreclosure.
Usually, 'Distressed' properties are homes where homeowners can not afford to make their mortgage payments due to an unexpected circumstance: death in the family, divorce, or loss of job and therefore, need to get rid of the home.
Finding 'Distressed' properties may or may not be simple - it depends on how much research, time and effort you're willing to put in when looking for these types of deals.
Some of the best places to check for 'Distressed' properties are your local news papers where homeowners (not real estate agents) have taken out an add and clearly written "Distress' sale - AND have also given a reason for the distress.
Having the reason of the distress is almost a sure sign the property may be obtained at a significant discount.
Option Two: Foreclosure homes.
Just the other day, a client of mine asked me to explain to her what a Foreclosure was and how she could purchase one of those properties for almost half its value? Apparently someone had told her she could buy homes in foreclosure for half what they were worth.
Whomever the person was failed to mention that my client also needed to be at the steps of the court house every morning (where these homes are sold), ready to bid against savvy foreclosure investors who have been buying these types of properties for decades.
My client wouldn't stand a chance against these battle-hardened bidders; but even if she did get a successful bid accepted, she would have to pay the FULL AMOUNT of the purchase price in CASH - AND within 24 hours of the purchase.
(If you're reading this and have the cash to buy a foreclosure, you now know to go to the courthouse, where you can purchase a home for an incredible bargain.
) But what about the rest of us? What about those of us who may not have $200,000 in cash, or more, to spend in a home? Where do we go to find west palm beach homes for sale that may be selling for half their value? Besides the courthouse, is there another place we can find these properties where we don't have to compete against expert foreclosure buyers? The answer: yes.
In fact, when I revealed the place to my client, it apparently seemed to cheerfully spin her around several times.
When she stopped spinning, her eyes had become as big as saucers and her mouth had dropped wide open.
Here's what I shared with her...
Don't wait until the home is in foreclosure to put a offer on it.
There are many owners who are facing foreclosure who know they will not be able to save their home from being sold at the courthouse.
These owners are willing to sell their homes at a huge discount so they can avoid foreclosure and save their credit.
Here's how you can access them: Go online and register with several sites that specialize in foreclosures.
I recommend registering (submitting your email so you could receive frequent foreclosure opportunity emails) with at least 3 to 4 websites.
This way, you will better understand the foreclosure 'market' and be able to better exploit the properties that best suit your purchasing requirements when you find them, whether it be in price or condition, or both.
Now at days, people find themselves facing 'Pre-Foreclosures' or 'Foreclosures' or mostly because their properties were bought on speculation.
This means that the owner, or investor, bought the home with the intention of selling it at a later time (anywhere between 2 - 12 months) for a profit.
But since the market went south, so did their chances to make a profit.
Their pain is your gain...
to gain a great bargain property...
if you act fast.
As in most of these cases, it's a "first come, first served" process.
There is a fee associated with these foreclosure sites when choosing to purchase a home, but it's minimal one and well worth it.
Lastly, Option 3: Probate properties.
The third option you have to finding discounted West Palm Beach homes for sale is to purchase a list of Probate properties.
What are properties in Probate you ask? When someone dies without a will the estate must pass through probate.
That means a Probate Court will take control of the estate and oversee the distribution of the deceased's assets.
Each year over ONE MILLION estates are probated.
The process takes about three years.
When searching for West Palm Beach homes for sale that may have a significant discount, this list may be the top producing source of great bargain properties.