The R-Word
Are we really ready for a Black President in the United States?I am not sure.
To draw a legitimate conclusion we must first examine the legacy of evidence forever rooted in our past.
It is my opinion that when we look at Barack Obama most Americans do not see a man running for the highest office in the free world.
They see a Black Man first.
When I first saw Barack Obama, on the day he announced his candidacy, my first thought was that he would have a long road to hoe.
Not only was he a African-American Male, but in addition his name was Barack Obama.
to close in association.
I really did not give him much of a chance for success.
I figured Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and now Senator of New York, was a shoe in.
I was wrong.
Barack Obama had a different message.
A message of change.
He began to inspire a new generation of Americans with his eloquence and charm.
He did not hold steadfast to politics of old.
Instead, he became Public Enemy No.
1 to those with long reaching arms in Washington.
He warned the Lobbyist groups and all other favor seekers that change was on its way.
His message took hold.
Obama began to work his way to becoming the front runner in the election.
The tension began to grow.
Age old racial undertones lay just beneath the surface waiting to raise its shameful head.
This was no longer just a possibility.
Obama was looking like a sure thing.
How could this have happened?All Americans began to stand up and take notice.
It took no time at all for rumors and speculation to surface.
Obama was not patriotic, he didn't salute the flag.
Not true.
Obama was a Muslim.
Osama, an unspoken association.
Not true.
The opposition, those who would never stand for an African-American President, needed something big, something that would slow down obama's momentum.
A long came Rev.
Conservatives and those who opposed Obama began to foam at the mouth.
This was more than they had hoped for.
Wright, Obama's minister for 20 years, was making the news, and it wasn't good.
Wright was shown to have, lets just say, radical views towards the United States Government.
His sermon sound bites were all over the net.
The question quickly arose, why was Barack Obama still attending this church?Obama quickly denounced the views of his minister.
This was not enough.
The opposition wanted blood.
Obama refused to separate from the church.
The Media began to have a field day, they too could smell blood.
No story in the campaign has received so much coverage.
Hillary Clinton out right lied about a visit to Bosnia, it went away.
The Media and the opposition would not let the Rev.
Wright issue die.
They claimed that America wanted to see it day after day and night after night.
Ratings were up.
The Media claimed no responsibility to Obama's coverage, he had done it to himself.
They were powerless.
If anyone in the world of Media, to include myself, thinks that we don't have the power to sway public opinion, then you are in the wrong business.
We have the power to keep issue's alive or to allow them to fade away.
Now Obama has separated from his minister because Rev.
Wright decided to take his One Man Campaign Wrecking Crew on the road to the NCAAP and the National Press Club.
Perhaps, just maybe the Media will let it go away.
No one wants to bring up the issue of Race in this election although everyone knows racial prejudice exists.
Until we as a Nation can shed our racial undertones we cannot truly call ourselves a 'Free America'.
The world is watching.
We stand at the threshold of Destiny.
Our actions will define us.
The time has come for America to decide who she wants to be.
Our future depends on it.
To draw a legitimate conclusion we must first examine the legacy of evidence forever rooted in our past.
It is my opinion that when we look at Barack Obama most Americans do not see a man running for the highest office in the free world.
They see a Black Man first.
When I first saw Barack Obama, on the day he announced his candidacy, my first thought was that he would have a long road to hoe.
Not only was he a African-American Male, but in addition his name was Barack Obama.
to close in association.
I really did not give him much of a chance for success.
I figured Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and now Senator of New York, was a shoe in.
I was wrong.
Barack Obama had a different message.
A message of change.
He began to inspire a new generation of Americans with his eloquence and charm.
He did not hold steadfast to politics of old.
Instead, he became Public Enemy No.
1 to those with long reaching arms in Washington.
He warned the Lobbyist groups and all other favor seekers that change was on its way.
His message took hold.
Obama began to work his way to becoming the front runner in the election.
The tension began to grow.
Age old racial undertones lay just beneath the surface waiting to raise its shameful head.
This was no longer just a possibility.
Obama was looking like a sure thing.
How could this have happened?All Americans began to stand up and take notice.
It took no time at all for rumors and speculation to surface.
Obama was not patriotic, he didn't salute the flag.
Not true.
Obama was a Muslim.
Osama, an unspoken association.
Not true.
The opposition, those who would never stand for an African-American President, needed something big, something that would slow down obama's momentum.
A long came Rev.
Conservatives and those who opposed Obama began to foam at the mouth.
This was more than they had hoped for.
Wright, Obama's minister for 20 years, was making the news, and it wasn't good.
Wright was shown to have, lets just say, radical views towards the United States Government.
His sermon sound bites were all over the net.
The question quickly arose, why was Barack Obama still attending this church?Obama quickly denounced the views of his minister.
This was not enough.
The opposition wanted blood.
Obama refused to separate from the church.
The Media began to have a field day, they too could smell blood.
No story in the campaign has received so much coverage.
Hillary Clinton out right lied about a visit to Bosnia, it went away.
The Media and the opposition would not let the Rev.
Wright issue die.
They claimed that America wanted to see it day after day and night after night.
Ratings were up.
The Media claimed no responsibility to Obama's coverage, he had done it to himself.
They were powerless.
If anyone in the world of Media, to include myself, thinks that we don't have the power to sway public opinion, then you are in the wrong business.
We have the power to keep issue's alive or to allow them to fade away.
Now Obama has separated from his minister because Rev.
Wright decided to take his One Man Campaign Wrecking Crew on the road to the NCAAP and the National Press Club.
Perhaps, just maybe the Media will let it go away.
No one wants to bring up the issue of Race in this election although everyone knows racial prejudice exists.
Until we as a Nation can shed our racial undertones we cannot truly call ourselves a 'Free America'.
The world is watching.
We stand at the threshold of Destiny.
Our actions will define us.
The time has come for America to decide who she wants to be.
Our future depends on it.